Chapter 8

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Alice's POV

"Ali?" Luke whispers, I barely heard him say. He's such a jerk.

"Come on, Ali! Talk to me" I look at him, concern in his eyes. I dont want him to cry or be worried but I dont know what to do.


Thankfully, the elavator dinged, signing us that were on the floor, the doors opened and I got out fast but Luke grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug.

"Im sorry!" He hugs me tightly and swayed me. Theres alot of thoughts rambling in my mind and I cant control myself.

"I love you!" Was all he said before I pulled away from the hug.

I ran fast to our hotel room and I saw Ashley, locking the room.

"No! open it, Ashley!" She unlocked the door and opened it for me.

"What happened?" She ask me, grabbing my arm, looking all so worried.

"Why do you care?" I sent daggers to her eyes, Even if shes my sister, I dont care what shes going to do.

"Im your sister, thats why I care!" She hardened her grip on my arm, making me shrug. It really hurts. "C'mon, lets talk!" She loosens her grip and stayed calm.

"Not now, Im tired!" I ran to my room and locked it. I jumped on my bed and sleep.

Ashley's POV

I need to comfort Ali, I want to make it up to her, I know that I'm a slut, Im staying true to myself but I have a heart too. But right now, Im giving her some time and space. I locked the door and went for the elavator. There stood Luke, playing with the but clearly smacking them. I need to talk to him.

"Hey Luke! Whatre you ----" Luke's crying. I barely see him cry, cause he only cries if his frustated in love. "Why are you crying? Are you crying because you won something or your crying because of a girl, named Alice?" He slowly nodded when I said the name Alice. He really likes her! Alice is very lucky cause Luke rarely falls inlove with a girl.

"Lets talk!" I went inside the elavator with Luke, pressed the lobby and slowly waiting for it to open.

"Lets go eat! Im starving and we need to talk!" I grab his hand and drag him to the food court.

"What would you like, Luke?" I grab a tray and made my way to the food.

"Its fine, Im not hungry!" He gestured me to go and he'll be the one finding our table.

"Where's Luke?" I search all around the area but I cant see him. "Here!"  Oh, there he is! I went to the table, sat and ate.

"Okay lets talk, Im going straight to the point. Why are you crying in the elavator?" I look at his blue eyes but then he looked at the ground.

"Okay, it all started...........


Hey y'all! Nice seeing you! I hope you like this chappy! Just keep on reading to find out what happens. (obviously). HAHAHA^^^^

Thank you for reading.

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