Chapter 10

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Luke's POV

I was shocked that Ali didnt pulled away, instead she went with it.

The elavator dinged and opened. I grabbed her hands and we ran to my room, locking it. I pushed her on my bed as I laid on top of her, still kissing. She groaned and I cant help but smile that I can make her do that. We didnt pulled away eventhough we were out of breath.



"I cant do this!" She pulled away and sat as I sat right beside her.

"Its fine, And Im sorry!" We lock stares and just cant help but smile to each other.

"Im glad that its over!" She sighed, "I dont want that to happen again!" She added still staring at me.

"Yeah!" I smiled and peck her on her cheeck as she blushed.

"I guess, see ya later!" She stood up and waved goodbye as she went outside. I just cant believe it that we finally kissed! Yes! Im so happy right now.

"YES!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and ended it with a laugh. "I need to take a shower!" I added as I grabbed a towel.

Alice's POV

"What? You kissed? FINALLY!" Ashley shouted, "Lukes your first kiss right? Wow!"

"Just dont say it outloud!" I said as we walked outside with mom and dad. We were going to the beach and Im sad right now cause were leaving but happy cause Luke and I kissed.

"Go, invite Luke!" She pushed me right on their door.

"Hello?" I knocked but no one answered, "Ash, theyre not here!"

"Well, lets go!" She grabbed my hand as we went staright to the elavator. How sad that its our last day, theyre not here.

We were now on the beach, having the time of our life.

"Hey!"  I heard someone say, that voice is so familiar. I turned around and saw what I wanted to see.

"Luke!" I hugged him as he hugged me back.

"I have something to tell you but lets not talk here!" He grabbed my hand as we ran near the shore.

"What do you want to talk?" I said as he gestured me to sit on the log.

"Oh --okay, uhm, I-I want t-to tell you s-some" I cut him off, "Just go straight to the point!" I laughed as he quickly grabbed a stick and draw something on the sand.

"What are ---- Oh!" I was shocked as he grabbed my hand.

"Look at the sand, it say L + A = forever! Now look at me!" I looked at him and smiled, "I like you, Ali!" Huwwwhaaat?. "And c-can I-I ----" I cut him off again. " I like you too!" I pulled him closer and we kissed.

That was the most romantic kiss, Ive ever done in my entire life!

"So t-that means, were together?" He ask as he pulled away.

"Yeah, together!" I kissed him again as he kissed me back.

"Luke, I want to tell you something, Were going home tomorrow!" I looked at him and he frowned.

"Were going home tomorrow too!" He smiled as he hugged me tightly.

I will never forget this day. The day that were finally together.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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