3 ➢ cuddles & coffee

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johnny orlando


i watch my laptop, my eyebrows furrowed together, trying to understand my maths homework. i chuck my pen down onto the paper in frustration, giving up on my homework. i pick up my phone, frowning to see no text from mackenzie. normally after we hang out she texts me immediately.

let me tell you a little story. me and kenzie have been best friends for years. 3 years to be exact, and we have not left each other's side since. now i'm going to be incredibly honest with you, this past year has been hell for me because everyday i've been falling harder and harder each day for this girl. her laugh, her smile, her humor, her personality, everything. 

a ping at my window brings me out of my thoughts. i roll my eyes knowing it's just mackenzie trying to annoy me. i trot over to the window with a goofy smile on my face. my eyes meet hers. her face is stained with tears, with more rushing down. i push open my window quickly holding out my hand for her to grab. she immediately grabs it pulling her self through y window and into my bedroom.

"what was it about this time?" i whisper into her ear calmly, trying to calm her down.

"j-johnny," her voice shakes from the amount of crying that she's doing. "he threatened me." she looks up into my eyes. my jaw clenches, you don't know how many times i've wanted to kill this man. "he's never done that before." she cries again.

"what did he say?" i look at her straight in the eye, i wanted to protect this girl at all costs.

"he said, 'next time it's you, brat'" she looks down at her feet in embarrassment, bursting out into tears again. i quickly pull her into another hug, trying to calm her down once again.

"come on, let's sit you down." i guide her onto my double bed, us both sitting down in the middle of it. she rests her head on my chest and i play with her hair as we watch a random t.v show on my tv.

"thank you, john." she sniffs, as i give her a kiss on the top of her head.


i stare at her in awe, as she peacefully sleeps against my chest. she shifts and her eyes flutter open, moving her head around realizing she's in my room. she looks up at me and smiles. "what's the time?" she stretches her arms.

i turn on my phone to see me and kenzie lit up on the wallpaper with the time written on the screen. "2;48." she groans, swinging her arm back and playfully hitting me in the face. "ow!" i whine as she laughs.

"haha, your not allowed to hit me because i'm a girl and that's rude." she sticks her tongue out like a 5 year old.

"well i'll be rude then." i jump up and playfully hit her in the arm. she sits there with her arms crossed and a pout on her lips.

"rude!" she yells, turning around to face the other direction. i come up behind her are start tickling her sides which makes her fall back on to the bed in laughter. i eventually stop tickling her and let her catch her breath back. i stand in front of her with my arms crossed leaning up against my desk as she sits on my bed with her hand resting on her chest, trying to get her breath back.

"wanna go get starbucks?" she blurts out, looking at me. 

"sure." i smile at her randomness.

"let me go fix myself up, as i look like a total mess." she rolls her eyes.

"no, you look beautiful." she blushes, looking down at the ground. i walk over to help her climb back into her room. "okay, i'm going to tell mommy mer that we are going out, meet you in my car in 5." i click my fingers as she nods, wandering off to 'fix herself up' as she says. i shut my window and head downstairs to find my mum in the kitchen working on dinner.

"oh hey, john." she smiles cheerfully, stirring whatever she's making in the pot.

"hey, i'm going with kenzie to get some starbucks. i'll be back in an hour." i smile at her grabbing my wallet off the shelf in the kitchen. i run out the front door and jumping into my car, just beating mackenzie there.

"loser." she pokes her tongue out at me as she does up her seatbelt. 

"your the one who took your time." i say, trying to focus on perfectly baking out of our driveway. i hear her chuckle and i put my car into drive before heading off to our nearest starbucks.


"after you." i laugh, holding the door open for her. she blushes as she walks into our local starbucks. we wait in line for a solid 5 minutes before we get our turn to order. "i'm paying for it remember." i look at her sternly. 

"fine, but only this once." she rolls her eyes.

"you say that every time, ziegler." i chuckle, reminding her. she shakes her head as she orders her drink. i slide the money down onto the bench, giving it to the cashier. we walk off to the side talking about school and little random things. our conversation is broken when our names get called, signaling us that our drinks are made and ready.

"thanks, john!" she squeals, sounding like a little girl. i shake my head and laugh at her silliness.

"no problem, girlfriend!" i say in a high pitched voice. we both jump back into my car and just sit there with the radio playing silently, while we drink our drinks. "okay, ready to head back home?" 

"i suppose." she sighs, obviously not wanting this to end. same here beautiful, same here. we drive down the busy streets of L.A in a comfortable silence, looking at our scenery, while we hum to our favourite songs playing on the radio. my car comes to a halt, as i put it into gear, twisting the keys making it turn off. we both open up our doors jumping out.

"i'll see you at school?" i ask her as we stand outside her front door.

"most definitely." she gives me her biggest smile.

"night kenz." i give her a kiss on the cheek.

"night johnny." she stands there with her fingers touching her cheek.


trasHy but yolo

also who loves my gifs at the top of every chapter.

me bich i do

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 | 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now