The Road Trip |Aaron Carpenter|

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Kara's POV: I can't believe my parents want me to go with Taylor and Dillon to a beach house. They're probably going to invite girls it's gonna be so weird! Taylor said there's gonna be another guy there my age but I've never met him.. I think his names Anthony? Wait no it's Aaron. Either way it's gonna suck. I'm just gonna be with a whole bunch of guys. Plus were road tripping which is gonna be even worse because I'm stuck in a car for forever. I tried telling mom I don't wanna go but she won't listen. She thinks it's gonna be like a "Sibling Bonding" experience but i guess I should make the best of it I mean I am staying in a beach house but If I have to sit by that Aaron kid I don't know what I would do. But we all know how Dillon is, he wants everyone to be a big happy family with no awkwardness and knowing him he's gonna force me to "get to know him" which in Dillon's world means be with them 24/7 until you know every single detail about them.

Kara's POV-

"KARA GET DOWN HERE.! WE NEED TO GO SOON AND WE NEED TO GET AARON.!" I heard Taylor yell from down the stairs.

Oh yay. Aaron. They boy i have never meet and get to sit next to him for 16 hours for a road trip.

"Okay im ready." I say yelling down the stairs packing my last pair of shorts. You know im not exactly excited for this but my parents wont let me back out.

10 minutes later we pull up at this 2 story nice house. This guys walks out. 2 suit cases. Black hair. Seems to be amazing eyes. Oh look that must be Aaron.

He was pretty cute i mean I saw him smile and its amzing.

"Kara. Hello Kara. This is Aaron the guy you have been staring at since he got out of the house" Taylor laughed.

"I-im sorry. Im Kara" I said putting my hand out for him to shake it.

He gladly shook it.

"So were together for the 16 hours. I can deal with that" He said and smiled.

Damn the boy can smile.

"Yeah. I hope it wont be to bad." I say lauging.

"Yeah it wont be to bad if you get to stair at Aaron the whole time right Kara.?" Dillon said smirking

I mouthed a 'screw you' to him.

I really did hate him sometime.

Hey guys(: This is Emily and the other owner is Nessa. This is our first imagine so we hope you like it.!(:

  Wattpad is honestly being really stupid omg

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