Titles And Covers!

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Tada! New cover! Like it?

In fact, this new cover brings me to another point.

Book covers.

Now, we've all heard the saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover." But, let's be honest. When it comes to actual books, can you honestly say that the cover doesn't affect how curious you are about a book?

A good cover can go a LONG way. 

*cough* And if you are in need of a cover for a wattpad book, I do have another book for that *cough*

A good image can invoke curiosity about your book, but, then again, a good cover is nothing without a great title. 

For me personally, I don't judge a book by a cover- I judge it by its TITLE. 

The title is one of the MOST important things you can have. A great title sells your book before it even begins. 

Don't believe me? Here's an example. Which book would you rather read?

1. A day in the park.


2. It's Hiding In The Water.



Titles make all the difference, so try to think of a good one!

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