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Nine o'clock the next morning:

Finally finished my shift! Cara came sulking behind the desk. "See you later Cara." I said as I rushed upstairs to wash my face and change clothes. I grabbed my bag and keys and rushed out the front door.

It took me about five minutes to get to Dell's cafe. I parked next to a dirty black Ford F-250. Walking into the cafe, I search for anyone who might be looking for me. I noticed a cowboy who was sitting in a corner booth. He was talking to Martha, the co-owner of the cafe. Martha turned to see who had entered the door. "Well speak of the devil! Come on Mia, I've been keeping this cowboy company for you." She said as she waved me over. I walked to her with a smile. The cowboy stood up. He was really tall and sexy. He had dark brown hair with light brown highlights. His eyes were blue like sapphires. He stood as I approached. Wow tall, at least a foot taller than me.

"Hello Martha."

"Hey sweety. Let me introduce you to Bryce Davis. Bryce, this is Mia McCoy." We shook hands. Wow! Nice smile, sexy voice, sexy eyes, strong hands, wide shoulders, a dimple in the chin. Sexy as sin is the only description I can think of. And I have not thought of any man as sexy!

"Very nice to meet you Mr. Davis. I'm sorry that I was late."

"Nice meeting you ma'am. No problem at all. You did say that you got off at nine. So you aren't late. Besides, Martha has kept me company. Have a seat please. What would you like to eat?"

"The usual Martha. Please." I said as I slid into the booth. Martha nodded and left. "I really appreciate you meeting with me and giving me the opportunity to interview."

"I hope this works out. Too many women try to get a foot into the door, just for us to find out she can't cook and doesn't know the difference between an oven and a dryer."

Bryce's pov:

I get into Clearview a little before nine and go to Dell's. I park my truck and enter the cafe. Martha, my favorite aunt, is working. Hell that's why I chose this place to meet Mia McCoy. If Martha didn't know this girl, then she wasn't worth knowing. I slid into my favorite booth and smile at Martha as she comes over. I stand and kiss her cheek. "Hello beautiful! How are you doing?"

"I'm good! What brings you to town during the week? I know damn well that it isn't my fine self or Jimmy's cooking."

"I'm actually meeting a potential cook and housekeeper."

"Anyone I know?" She asked curiously.

"I hope so. I didn't recognize her name. It is Mia McCoy. You know her?"

"Mia! Yes I would say so. She filled in a few days when Jimmy was sick. You know that day you came in and 'could actually taste the meatloaf and the vegetables and actually tell what they were with your eyes closed'? At least that was the compliment that you gave. Well, that was her doin'. The girl can cook under pressure. She ran out of meatloaf and had to make another before supper."

"Well at least she can cook. How is her personality?"

"She's a doll. But she is kinda standoffish. Somethin' has happened to her and she doesn't talk much. Kinda skittish around certain noises, certain men. Especially if someone is standing behind her."

"Gotcha." The bell rang over the door.

Martha turned. "Well speak of the devil! Mia, come on back. I've been keeping this cowboy company for you." She did the introduction and left.

Mia McCoy turned out to be a short dark headed beauty. I couldn't help but admire the way she held herself. At least she didn't dress like a skank. She's wearing a dark blue t-shirt tucked into faded blue jeans and running shoes. She had a friendly smile, but it didn't reach her brown eyes. She held her back and shoulders straight. Martha had already given her a glowing reference in the cooking area. "Mia, I hope that you don't mind, my cousin, Tristan, will join us. We decided to make today a shopping day. He lives in the house with me and he is also Martha's son."

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