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I had to make sure this is something that she really was ready for. "Mia mine, are you positively sure that you are ready to commit to a relationship with me?"

Instead of answering me with words, she pulled her t-shirt off. Then she reached for the button of her pants. I took over from there.

Mia's pov:

I reached for the button of my jeans. He put his hand over mine. I reached for his shirt and unbuttoned it before pushing it off his shoulders. Revealing bronze skin, pulled tight over muscles and a tattoo. I kissed the soaring eagle. Bryce inhaled sharply and guides my lips back to repeat the kiss. "Oh Mia! That is erotic! Promise that you will do that daily."

"Of course my love! What else do you like?"

"Just do what feels natural, love." His voice was so husky, sexy as sin. It sent shivers up and down my body.

I ran my hands all over his chest and stomach. He's not overly muscled, just enough to make me drool. I kissed his chest, over his heart. He moaned my name as he slid my jeans down my legs. I kicked my shoes off so that the pants can slide off easily. I go for his zipper and do the same. As I was slipping his jeans down his legs, I discovered that he wasn't wearing underwear of any kind. My breath catches in my throat at the sight before me. Bryce's cock is standing proudly large and in charge. He was at least nine inches long and plump. "How in the world is that going to fit?"

Bryce chuckled. "Oh it will fit Mia, and you will love every minute." He kissed me as if his life depended on it and I soon forgot that I was skeptical. I felt myself being lifted off my feet and laid on his bed. Only then realizing that I no longer had my bra and panties on. I was as naked as Bryce. The feel of his skin on mine felt like heaven.

His hands were on my breast kneading and pinching lightly, making me gasp his name. "Bryce! More please!" I didn't know what 'more' I was begging him for, but apparently he did. His lips went to my breast, replacing his hand. His hand went down my stomach to my overheated and soaked core. "Oh God Bryce!"

"So wet and tight!" Bryce said as he invaded me with a finger, thrusting in and out slowly, then adding another. Speeding the pace of his fingers as he switched breast. My hips were lifting off the bed to meet his fingers as he adds another finger, he was also playing with my clit. My whole body was shaking. I lost all control as I flew apart. "Bryce!" I didn't realize that I had yelled. As I came back to myself, still shaking from the release of my very first orgasm, Bryce was holding me close and staring at my face.

"So beautiful Mia mine! Thank you for letting go."

"I never knew that I could feel like that. I love you Bryce Michael Davis!" I didn't mean or want to say the words. It just slipped out.

"I love you too Mia Elizabeth McCoy!" He kissed me passionately. "Are you ready for the rest?" He asked with a huge smile on his face.

"Yes, please!" I say with a pleased smile. "What do I need to do?"

"Just enjoy every experience." He kissed me again with so much love, that it brought tears to my eyes. Bryce positioned himself between my legs and slowly nudged the head of his rock hard cock into my entrance. I lifted my hips up to meet his, causing him to go deeper. He hissed as I did that. "Mia love, you're killing me!"

"Do you want to stop?" I asked, concerned that I hurt him.

He drew back and looked at me, shocked. "Hell no! I'm so close to being in heaven! I'm not about to stop giving us both the pleasure that we deserve. I meant that you were killing me in a good way." He gave another push and was completely in.

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