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After the family left I was turning the lights off in the kitchen. Strong arms came around me from behind. I laid my head back on Braxton's shoulder. "My love, can we go sit outside? I need to talk to you."

"It is starting to rain, but we can sit on the porch." We grabbed a light jacket and went to the porch swing.

We sat in silence and he moved the swing slowly and gently. After several minutes he spoke, quietly. "I did two tours in Afghanistan. The first wasn't so bad, mainly as security. The second was the same, until two weeks before we were to pull out and go back home. There was about seven of us that were walking outside of the base on patrol. Which was normal, it was a safe zone. We were crossing a street when the first shots rang out. We returned fire and eventually won the scrimmage. Two....two of my best friends were killed there. One other was critical, he died an hour after getting back to safety." He paused again to wipe his tears and mine.

"We were there for a few more nights and I kept having nightmares. The doctors gave me sleeping pills, and pain pills. I quit taking the pain meds. The doctor replaced them with anti- depressants. My sleeping pills weren't working as they were supposed to..I quit taking them too. After about a month, I dec....decided to go ahead and kill myself while still in Italy. To end all the endless nightmares and heartache. I was only sleeping about two hours a night. I called my brother to tell him goodbye and to help the dads take care of mom." He paused and I realized that I was sitting in his lap, wiping his face of tears. I gasped when he said that he had called before trying to kill himself.

"When I called, an angel answered the phone. It was you, you are my angel, you saved me from myself. When I heard your voice, a light started shining again after several months of being extinguished. I asked Bry about you and he told me everything he knew. I asked for more information. He said that you would probably like to talk to me after dinner. After we hung up, I took one of the sleeping pills, instead of the thirty that I had planned on. I slept for a full eight hours, then showered and shaved for the first time in a week. I waited patiently for my computer to call. When I saw you, I lost my heart and soul. You saved me from a life of pain and torture. I no longer see my friends lifeless eyes accusing me of killing them and surviving. They are at peace, and now, I am too. I love you Mia Bella! You are my life, my love, my breath, my soul! Thank you for accepting me!" We held each other and cried our hearts out. I didn't see Bryce come out and wipe our tears or rub our backs. After a while the tears stopped flowing and we just held each other.

"Are we good now, my love? What can I do to make you not hurt?"

"Don't you see it Bella? You've already saved me. I threw all of the pills away. This is me, without any meds to help me stay sane or asleep. Your love has been my saving grace."

"I love you Braxton! Forever!" I kissed him deeply, trying to pour all my feelings into his lips, his heart, his soul. The weekend sped by and on Monday, we went to town to get the license, with Braxton as the groom, and buy groceries. The guys left me to buy the groceries as they went on an errand. They left me waiting for almost an hour. The week sped by with us making arrangements for the wedding. Before I knew it we were standing at the arch of blue and white flowers, which was normally a small walk through gate to the hay pasture. We were facing the green pasture with the mountain range in the fore-ground. Our families and friends were sitting behind us. Bryce was on my left and Brax on my right. "You may kiss your bride!" Braxton gathered me in his arms and kissed me until I needed breath.

Then turned me to Bryce. Dad started a compact version of the wedding ceremony. "Bryce do you take Mia as your bride?"

"I do! I will love her, honor her, protect her, and serve her. Throughout my life."

"Mia, do you accept Bryce as your second husband?"

"I do. I promise to love him, honor him, protect him, and serve him. Throughout my life!"

"You may kiss your bride!" Bryce kissed me as well as Braxton had.

"May I present to family and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Davis. And Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Davis, life partners." Everyone was cheering and hugging us. We all sat and enjoyed a lunch fit for a king. Then dancing into the evening. It was as I was finishing a slow dance with Bryce that my day turned to hell. "Well if it isn't our little runaway! Having fun Mia?" I tensed. "Who is this lovely little sex machine."

"Bry, this evil bitch is unwanted at this wedding and reception."

"As my wife wishes." He turned his head to look behind us. Instantly we were surrounded by the men in my life.

"Dad, this woman is breaking the law by standing within 1000 feet of me or my family or property. Please take out the trash for your new daughter." I turned to my other dads. "Is there anything you guys want to tell your ex-lover or wife before she goes to jail?"

"Damn you did not age well at all! Did she Darren?"

"Not good at all! Hello slut!"

"Franklin! Darren! How did you find her?"

"Easy! When she kicked your husband's ass, the police report had her name on it."

"Mia Bella, can I have this dance?"

"Yes my love, after dad has taken the trash out." I turned back to my mother. "Mother, before you leave in cuffs, let me introduce everyone that I love, that you don't already know. This is Braxton and Bryce, my husbands. This is Marcus and Trent, my dads by marriage. This is Mary, my mom by marriage. I say by marriage, because they can't be my parents. And this is my new aunt and uncle Martha and Jimmy. Then you already know my dads, but this is Gail, my step mom. My brothers and sisters and cousins. You see mother I have many family and friends. I don't need or want you. Go away and stay away." I turned and left her standing there with her jaw open. The reception continued as my birth mother was arrested for r.o. violation. We ate, danced, laughed, and had a wonderful time. That evening my men showed me how much they loved and adored me by making love to me one at a time, then together. I have never been more treasured in my lifetime!

A/N- This is a short one. Only the epilogue left. Please vote or comment.

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