Chapter 1

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Emily looked around the luxurious mansion one last time, admiring the beautiful ball room and giant chandelier that hung from the ceiling.

She wasn't sad she was leaving, this place was filled with bloodshed and tears. Sarah was standing next to Emily, along with another, much older maid named Mildred. Devon was just finishing up a few things before the two could leave, they had only been staying at mansion for a few days while everything settled down.

"Sarah" Emily said while turning to look at the lovely maid.

"Yes my lady?" She said in her British accent and smiled. Sarah had insisted that she still say my lady instead of Emily.

"What are you and the other maids going to do now that Aaron is gone and Devon is leaving for awhile?" Emily asked.

"Well we still live here, most of us have no where else to go, Lord Devon has told us that he will return eventually but offered to let anyone leave. No one really wanted to, with Lord Aaron being gone this place isn't that bad" Sarah said with a faint smile.

"So you're just going to stay here?" Emily asked a little surprised, she thought the humans living in this place would want to leave the second they could.

"Yes, we decided to stay and take care of the house until Lord Devon returns" she said almost proudly, Emily was a bit shocked but still understood why they wanted to stay.

The ladies heard footsteps coming down the large marble stairs. Devon starting to walk towards them with a bag in his hand. He asked Sarah to take it to his car, saying it was the last one and the maid happily obliged. The other maid also followed, leaving Devon and Emily alone in the ballroom.

"Are you sure you're ready for this Em? We can wait a few more days" Devon said, Emily shook her head.

"No, I need to do this, plus I've been gone for over a month, she probably thinks I'm dead" Emily said looking down, Devon put his arms around her and Emily relaxed into his embrace. She felt safe in his arms, they had been inseparable ever since they got back.

Devon worried about Emily, he wanted to make sure she was happy and safe. Emily didn't really know what they were, she cared about Devon greatly, and for the past week they had been sleeping in the same bed. Emily didn't mind the company, it felt nice to have someone by her side.

Emily wiggled a bit and looked up as Devon moved his arms to give her more room. She smiled at him, looking in his amber eyes, every time she looked at them she thought she would get lost in his gaze. Emily got on her tiptoes to plant a small kiss on his soft lips.

"Let's get going, I want to go home" Emily said softly, planting her feet back on the ground. Devon let her go but lightly grabbed her hand as the two walked out the front door to the car.


"Mom! Your phone is ringing!"

Emma yelled down the hall to her mother as she ran to quickly give the phone to her.

"Thank you, now go get ready for school" Olivia said as she took the phone from her daughter, Emma spun around on her heel, her short brown hair spinning wildly and quickly walked back to her room shutting the door to finish getting ready. Olivia hit the green button on her phone and brought it up to her ear.

"Hello?" She said in a chipper tone.

"Liv, it's me" the man over the phone said in a soft yet familiar voice. Olivia's jaw almost dropped and tears started to fill her eyes.

"Henry? Is that really you?" She whispered, tears falling down her cheeks. "So you know then" she said in almost a whisper.

"Know what? Liv what happened?" The man asked.

"Your daughter, she's been missing for a month, Henry no one knows where she is she just.... disappeared" Olivia cried quietly into the phone, there was a long pause before Henry spoke again.

"I was afraid of this, Olivia did you ever tell Emily about me? About who she is?" Henry asked.

"No of course not, you told me not to" Olivia said a little loudly "Henry your daughter is missing, why are you calling now? Don't you care? She could be dead!" She said doing her best not to scream at him.

"I know, I'm sorry Liv, I'm sorry. She's not dead though, our girl is much stronger than that" He said calmly "I'm going to come see you, okay? I'll be there tomorrow afternoon, around four hopefully"

"What about Emma? She doesn't need to know about all this, I don't want her involved" Olivia said, Henry agreed, Emma was not his child and had nothing to do with the vampire world.

"Keep her out of the house, I won't be there to long, and Olivia?" He said.


"I've missed you, and I really am sorry about Emily, I'll find her, I promise" Henry said quietly, Olivia sighed and wiped away a few stray tears.

"I'll see you tomorrow Henry" was all she said before hanging up. Olivia sat back on the couch and took a sip of coffee.

Emma came into the living room dressed and ready for school, her light brown hair in a short ponytail.

"Hey mom have you seen my.... why are you crying? Who was on the phone?" Emma asked with a worried tone and sat down next to her mother. Olivia lightly grabbed Emma's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"It was the sheriff, he was just checking up on us" she said with a weak smile. Emma furrowed her brow and sat back in the couch. She rested her head on her mother's shoulder with a sigh.

"I miss her" Emma said softly, Olivia rested her head on her daughters.

"I do too" she said, the two sat there for several minutes in silence. Neither said a word, both thinking about Emily.

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