Chapter 22

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"I'm cold." Emily whispered, she had began shivering a little while ago. Her lips and fingernail beds had turned shades of blue. The other still held onto her tightly, her skin had seemed to grow warmer, more vibrant.

"I know, just hold on to me a little while longer." the other said softly.

"I don't want to die." Emily whimpered, the other shook her head.

"Your human body is dying, but you will still live, it'll be okay." The other stroked Emily's hair slowly, comforting her.

"I'm scared, what if I don't wake up?"

"If you don't, then neither will I, but that won't happen." The others skin was becoming hotter by the minute, and if Emily wasn't freezing right now she would probably be burned from the heat.

"How much longer though? I can't take much more of this." Emily shuddered, it felt like her veins were becoming ice, the only thing keeping her from turning into an ice cube was the heat from the others skin.

"Just a little longer, time passes by faster when we are here, don't worry, soon it'll be over." The others voice was soothing, Emily clutched onto her warm body tighter. The other winced in pain and held Emily close, obviously also uncomfortable from her own body temperature, seeking relief from Emily's cool touch.

"Will I still be me when I wake up?" Emily asked.

"You'll still be you, things will change but that doesn't mean you have to be a completely different person." The other continued stroking Emily's hair.

"How do you know so much?" Emily shivered violently, the other held to her tightly.

"I don't, I'm only guessing really, I'm just an extension of you." The other responded. Emily felt surprised by that answer, she had just assumed the other knew everything.

Emily was about to speak again but pain rippled through her, she felt like her body was ice and it was slowly beginning to crack.

"Shhh it's okay, it's almost time, don't be afraid." The other whispered into Emily's ear, but the pain she was feeling roared louder. She wanted to scream but her lips felt frozen together.

The meadow they were both sitting in began fading, the lush green grass and pretty white daises disappearing. Emily looked up to see the other fading as well, she wanted to scream and cry, she was terrified to be alone, but something stopped her.

The other was smiling as she faded away, still holding Emily close.

Then, the other, along with the rest of the beautiful moonlit meadow, was gone.

Emily laid down, she could feel her body getting warmer, slowly but surely. It felt good, she began to feel like she was alive again.

The pain from being practically frozen melted away with her body temperature increasing, but with it came a new pain.

She reached for her throat, it suddenly felt like it was sandpaper, rough and dry. The awful feeling became worse by the minute, nothing could help soothe it. Soon it felt like someone was practically tearing it apart.

'I need to wake up, please let me wake up!' Emily screamed into her mind, but nothing responded. The pain spread throughout her body, like she was being ripped to pieces.


A voice called out to her, it sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place it.

"Emily, can you hear me?"

The voice spoke again, it was so smooth and deep, Emily wanted desperately to see who was trying to reach her. Whenever she tried to move, the pain would increase.

Emily stayed still, waiting, hoping she would open her eyes soon.


Devon walked back to the room Cyrus had given him and Emily while they stayed in the coven with the warrior who had escorted him. He had just fed from two human donors, feeling replenished and stronger than he had in weeks.

The warrior spoke very little, she said her name was Christa or something. She was very short and had somewhat tan skin with dark straight hair that flowed to about her waist.

Devon had left Emily with Xavier and he was anxious to get back to her. What if she had already awaken?

It had really only been six hours or so since he had given Emily his blood, but a new born vampire could awaken at anytime. The longest it took for them to change was a week, if they weren't awake by then, they were dead.

The thought made Devon mentally shiver, but he kept his composure. 'She has plenty of time, she will awaken', Devon hoped silently.

They made it to the door, the warrior bowed low to Devon before turning back towards the elevator. He took no time to hurry inside of the room.

Xavier sat in a chair close to the bed, but stood up immediately when he heard the door open.

"Lord Devon" he bowed.

"How is she? Any movement?" Devon asked.

"No, no change yet." Xavier replied standing up straight.

"Thank you, I appreciate you doing this for me."

"Of course, it's no trouble or anything, if you need me again, please let me know." Xavier bowed again and began to leave the room but Devon stopped him.

"Xavier, I want to apologize for what happened when we first me-"

"Oh no it's okay! Really, I would have probably acted the same way if I were in your shoes. Well maybe less intimidating but you know." Xavier said with a grin, Devon chuckled.

"Alright well thanks again."

"No problem, let me know if you need anything else." Xavier waved and was out the door, closing it behind him.

Devon sat on the bed next to Emily, he gazed at her pale skin and lifeless features. He noticed some of the blood was gone from her neck, maybe Xavier had cleaned her up a little?

However, he noticed the gaping wound that once covered Emily's neck was now gone, completely healed in fact. The only evidence of her even being hurt was the blood that stained her clothes. Emily also had a slight tinge of color in her cheeks. Devon lightly grabbed her hand and his eyes widened, her hand was warmer now, almost alive.

Happiness and relief filled him, he could even see her breathing, it made his heart race with excitement. Devon leaned down close to Emily, giving her a small kiss on the forehead.

"Emily" Devon said her name softly, hoping maybe she would hear him and open her eyes. Instead, her eyebrow twitched slightly at the sound of him calling her name.

"Emily, can you hear me?" Devon asked, but after a few minutes she still hadn't responded to him. He sighed, it was still to soon for Emily to wake up, but he could tell she was on the right path.

Devon sat there with Emily, holding her once again warm hand and stroking it with his thumb. He hoped she would wake up soon, but for now, he waited.

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