Chapter 16

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Olivia had called Henry to come over, he was at their house in less than ten minutes. He somewhat frantically knocked on the door, Olivia answered within seconds, opening the door and wrapping her arms around his neck. Henry quickly embraced her as well, resting his head on hers, he had missed these moments.

Just as fast as she had embraced him, Olivia let go and stepped back.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, Henry reached out his hand to lightly stroke her cheek.

"There's no need to apologize Liv" he said in a low voice and dropped his hand to her shoulder. "Has Emma called?"

"No, Henry I have a terrible feeling something has happened to her, I can't handle another one of my children going missing" Olivia's eyes began to swell with tears.

"We'll find her, I promise" Henry leaned forward, kissing Olivia's cheek. He grabbed her hand lightly before stepping past her into the house.

Emily and Devon were sitting at the small kitchen table, both clutching each others hands. He met his daughters eyes before meeting the young lords, Henry bowed his head for a second to Devon before speaking.

"Lord Devon, I think it would be best if you accompanied me, Emma doesn't know me so when we find her she will recognize you" Henry said with Liv nodding beside him. Before Devon could answer, Emily spoke up.

"I'm coming too" she said strongly.

"No" Devon and Henry said together, Emily narrowed her eyes at both of them.

"Yes, I am, she's my sister, and if something bad did happen, I want to be there to help" she crossed her arms, before Devon or Henry could protest, the group heard a loud knock on the front door.

Emily could see Devon tense up while Olivia started to walk towards the door.

"Don't" Devon stood up quickly, Olivia stopped and gave him a look, but he walked past her to the door. Henry followed behind him while Emily stood to go stand next to her mother.

Devon opened the door, a man stood there in the setting sun, his hair and eyes a light shade of brown, he stood about the same height as Devon.

The man bowed in a respectful manner, Devon crossed his arms, he had sensed the man before anyone else could. He was a warrior class, and just like any warrior, he was able to mask his own scent and somewhat shield his presence from any other vampire.

"Good evening Lord Devon, my name is Malik, I am from the East Warrior Coven, and I have a message from my master for the Electus" Malik said simply with his hands behind his back.

"Tell me your message warrior." Devon ordered in almost a growl, the warrior seemed unfazed by the demand but his eyebrow slightly twitched.

"If the Electus is present, I can tell all of you" Malik said bowing his head slightly. Emily stepped forward, moving between Henry and Devon.

"Malik? As in Xavier's boyfriend?" She said, Devon grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back to stand behind him in a protective manner. Malik lifted his head to meet Emily's eyes with a slight grin.

"Yes, my mate spoke highly of you Electus, but he is not why I am here, I have orders from my master" Malik straightened before speaking again. "My master has the human girl named Emma, if you want her back, please come to our coven, the master warrior wishes to speak with you, Electus"

Malik turned his attention to Devon and then looked behind him to Olivia.

"He would also like to have you, my lord, come to the coven, as well as the mother of the Electus."

"I would rather go instead, I am Emily's father, I do not want to put her mother in any danger." Henry said quickly, Malik turned his gaze to him, his eyes widened, as if just realizing Henry was standing there.

"I did not realize the father was still... around" Malik shifted slightly and looked at the ground. "I suppose I could bring you instead" he muttered then stood up straight again.

"Can you prove that Emma is safe, we will not go with you until we know she is alive" Devon said with a glare, he looked so scary that the other two vampires shifted uncomfortably, Emily was unfazed, she had seen him way scarier than this.

Malik slowly pulled out his phone, he quickly sent a text and within seconds his phone buzzed. He turned the phone to show a picture of Emma siting on a black couch, there were tears in her eyes but she didn't look physically hurt.

He put the phone back into his pocket and stood up straight again with his hands behind his back.

"I say we go" Emily said from beside Devon and Henry.

"I agree" Henry said, Devon looked at him and then Emily, his eyes softened when they met hers. Emily pleaded with her eyes, Devon sighed and nodded before looking back at Malik.

"We will come to your coven and speak with the master warrior."


Emma exited the elevator, Elijah  walked slightly behind her as the two moved down the hallway. There was two black doors at the end of it, the only reason Emma could see them was because of the sconces lined on the walls, small candles glowed in them.

It looked extremely gothic to Emma, the black on black with only candle light. They came to the end of the hall, Elijah knocked three times before opening the door, gesturing for Emma to go inside.

They entered into a large room that was lit by sconces and a little bit of sunlight from the large tinted window. In front of the window was a desk with a man standing in front of it. He looked to be in his late thirties, his black hair hung in slight waves on both sides of his head. He had a slight grin on his pale face, and his eyes were dark but held a glint in them. He wore a dark leather jacket and jeans with black boots.

Elijah lightly pushed on Emma's back when she just stood in the doorway gawking at the man. She walked a few feet into the room, having trouble looking at anything else besides the man.

'Just stay calm' she thought to herself.

Emma heard Elijah close the door and jumped at the sudden noise, she turned her head to see him walking up beside her. He bowed to the man deeply before speaking.

"My liege" He said, Emma looked from Elijah to the man again, their eyes meeting. He took a step closer to her, towering over Emma's small frame.

"Good evening, my name is Cyrus, welcome to my coven" Cyrus said holding out his hand, Emma looked at it for a second before putting her hand in his. He slowly brought her hand up to his lips, planting a small kiss on her knuckles.

His hand was surprisingly warm, although Emma's hands were so cold she was surprised she wasn't shivering. He brought her hand down and let go, meeting her gaze again.

"There is no need to worry Emma, you are completely safe here" Cyrus said with a small smile, Emma nodded slowly.

"Why am I here?" Emma asked in a whisper, Cyrus's smile grew, turning from kind to devilish.

"Because, you're our bait."

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