Chapter 3

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There wasn't a time Emily could recall in her life when she saw her mother look so serious. There had been times when she looked angry, like when Emma had thrown a softball in the house and shattered a window.

There had been times when her mother was serious, but never like this. Emily hardly even recognize the woman sitting across from her. The expression on her mothers face was almost cold, with her hands in her lap and her legs crossed.

"Go ahead love, tell me what you need to say" Olivia said calmly, Emily took a breath and explained everything that had happened. From Arthur kidnapping her, to Aaron keeping her locked up in his mansion, to meeting Devon and Madi, going all the way to Michigan and hiding, to being found by Aaron and finally being able to come home.

Olivia's expression did not change at all while her daughter spoke. She kept her eyes mostly on Emily, but would glace quickly at Devon while her daughter spoke. Her eyes seemed so knowing to Emily, as if what she was hearing wasn't really a surprise.

"I know that's a lot of information all of a sudden, I'm sorry I didn't call or anything I just didn't know what to say. Please tell me you understand." Emily said, Olivia sighed and leaned back a little in her chair.

"Yes, I understand, truly I do, I'm sorry this is happening to you, I never wanted this" Olivia said not looking at her daughter.

"So you've known then, you've known all along" Emily said calmly, Olivia nodded.

"How could I not? I've know about the vampire world for years, even before I met your father, I've always had a strange six sense for spotting fangs" Olivia chuckled as she leaned forward.

"My father?" Emily said softly.

"Yes, i knew what he was the moment I met him, we were together for five years before we had you." Olivia smiled for a second as if reminiscing but then furrowed her brow. "It was said to be impossible for a human and vampire to procreate, but here you are, I'm so sorry Emily" Olivia put her head down as if in defeat.

"Mom why are you sorry? It's not like you wanted this to happen" Emily got up and walked over to where her mother sat. "But I really need you to tell me about my father, who is he?" Emily said softly, putting one hand on her mother's back.

"He.... he is a gentle person, kind and generous, nothing like-" Olivia looked up at Devon still sitting on the other couch, giving him a death glare. "Nothing like the royal or noble families" Devon didn't phase, just starred back at Olivia; she turned to her daughter.

"Why are you with him Emily? He's the son of a monster, a goddamn royal!" She said loudly, almost yelling.

"Mom, he helped me get back to you, he kept me safe, why aren't you a little more grateful? If it wasn't for him I would probably be dead, or worse" Emily said with a bit of anger in her voice.

"I know he saved you, but that doesn't change the fact that he's dangerous, you can't trust royals Emily" Olivia said Not really caring if Devon heard what they were saying. Before Emily could speak again Devon spoke up.

"She's right Emily, I'm a royal, my ancestors have cursed my entire bloodline with bloodlust and evil, your mother obviously knows this and knows not to trust others like me." Emily starred at Devon in shock, why was he saying such things? Yes it's true but she was just trying to convince her mother that he wasn't like the rest of them. Devon turned his gaze over to Olivia who still had a slight glare.

"I don't want to be like the rest of my family, my mother taught me better, she was kind and gentle and nothing like the other royals. I want to be like her, I don't want to be feared by others and I don't want to be labeled as a monster just because of my bloodline" Devon clenched his fists, not in anger but in determination. Emily smiled at him then looked at her mother who had a softer expression on her face.

"I'm sorry for my hostility, I don't trust royals, and honestly I don't trust you but you seem sincere" she glanced over at Emily for a moment "and you brought my daughter back to me, so I should have some gratitude" Olivia leaned forward a bit towards Devon "Thank you, Devon" she said with a slight smile, Devon nodded back at her returning the same smile. Emily clapped her hands together and grinned.

"Alright so now that we're all acquainted, is there anything else we all need to discuss?" Emily said looking at her mother.

"Yes, your father will be here tomorrow night" Olivia said slowly, putting her hands in her lap. Emily's jaw almost hit the floor.

"What?! You called him? Why is he coming here?" Emily said a little loud.

"I didn't contact him, he called me earlier today, saying he was going to help get you back..... boy he'll be surprised when he gets here" Olivia chuckled, Emily had no words.

She couldn't believe it, her father who she had never met was going to show up on her doorstep tomorrow. She had no idea what to say or even what to ask her mother what to say. Emily felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to meet her mothers hazel eyes.

"Sweetheart, I know all of this is sudden, but you don't have to worry about meeting Henry, he will be happy to see you and get to meet you" Olivia said with a soft smile.

"Mom why did he leave? Why couldn't he stay?" Emily said, she could feel tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"He wanted to Emily, he really did, but he knew he would only put a target on you if he stayed, if others found out a half blood had been born, you would have been taken from us. So Henry left shortly after we found out I was pregnant, during that time I found another man, Emma's father Robert. He was a good man and cared for both of you girls but died when Emma was almost a year old." Olivia looked down for a moment, as if she was trying to hold back some tears of her own. Emily lightly grabbed her mothers hands and smiled.

"I can't wait to meet him mom, if he really is who you say he is" Olivia looked up and smiled back at her daughter. Then the two of them got up and decided to make dinner while Devon waited patiently.

Devon sat in the living room, thinking to himself giving the girls some alone time in the kitchen. 'Henry' he thought, the name sounded familiar. Of course there were plenty of people with that name, but something in his gut felt strange when he heard that name.

Who really is this Henry?

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