Chapter 5

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Olivia returned home shortly after three, Emily and Devon had been sitting in the living room watching tv when she came through the front entrance.

"The damn nerve of some people, it's like they got their license from a Cracker Jack box" Olivia grumbled as she walked over the the kitchen, not really noticing the two sitting on the couch. The both chuckled and Emily looked over towards her mother.

"Did it rain? You know everyone forgets how to drive when it rains mom" Emily giggled, Olivia sighed.

"It barely sprinkled, people drive me up the wall sometimes" she said while chuckling at her own pun and getting out some orange juice from the fridge.

Emily turned her attention back to the tv and snuggled up closer to Devon. He had his arm slung over her shoulders while she had her legs over his lap. Emily was hoping for just a few more minutes of peace, she felt so happy in that moment, but a knock on the door shattered the moment. Olivia walked through the little hallway to the door and opened it with a gasp.

"You're early" she said in an almost emotionless voice, but her words shook slightly. Emily craned her head trying to see who was at the door, Devon hadn't really moved but Emily did feel him tense up.

There was a short silence and some muffled noises before two people walked through the little hallway. Olivia stood with her chin up while a man followed behind her. He was tall, just about Devon's height, and he looked to be in his early thirties.

The man had short, dark auburn hair that was slightly damp. He wore dark jeans and a black t- shirt, which to Emily made him seem a little younger. Emily slowly got up from the couch, Devon following close behind.

"Mom?" Emily said softly, Olivia nodded her head.

"Emily, I want you to meet Henry, he's your father" the man took a step closer and met Emily's gaze. His eyes were a beautiful light green, just like Emily's and it gave her a weird sense of déjà vu.

"He-hello" Emily stuttered and cleared her throat "it's nice to meet you" she held out her hand. Henry smiled down at her with warmth in his eyes.

"It's nice to meet you too, Emily" he said softly and shook her hand. Emily felt Devon tense up again, Henry seemed to notice too because he let go of Emily's hand and turned to Devon, bowing slightly.

"It is also nice to see you again young lord, but may I ask why you are here?" Henry said while standing up straight.

"Wait, again? You've met before?" Emily asked with a confused look on her face, Devon nodded.

"It was a long time ago, long before you were born, I was still a boy." Devon said as if remembering. "Henry was the youngest son of one of the most powerful noble families, although I was told he left the family, is that correct?" Devon said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I left, and I don't regret it" Henry said and looked back at Emily. "Why are you with this man Emily? He's from the royal family" Emily put her hand up to quiet him.

"No, I'm not answering any of your questions until you answer some of mine" she crossed her arms and tapped her foot, Henry sighed and gestured to the couches behind them.

"I'll answer anything you ask"


Emily was surprised to find that Henry, aka her father, was so willing to share well, everything. He talked about how leaving Olivia was the hardest thing he ever had to do, but it was necessary to keep Emily safe and away from other vampires. It worked for the most part, until she got older.

He talked about how he traveled the globe, finding information about the electus prophecy and how it was even possible for a human to conceive with a vampire. Henry didn't mention much about how he left his family or how he turned from his noble title. No one really questioned him but Devon kept watching him with knowing eyes. Emily was going to have a quick chat with him after Henry left.

"So why have you come back after all these years?" Emily asked, Henry met her gaze.

"Because you've been found, people know you exist, there's no reason for me to stay away, plus I know now that you're older so your powers will start to show" he said matter o' factly, then he turned to Olivia. "And I want to make things right with you, my love, I want to come home to you" he reached out and lightly touched Olivia's hand.

"I don't know if you can, I have a life here, a job, and a daughter who knows nothing about any of this, I don't want Emma to know" she looked away from Henry but didn't move her hand from under his.

"I've been fine by myself, I raised two girls and kept your secrets, you can't just walk back into my life and pick up where you left off. Things have changed, I've grown older and you" she turned to him, meeting his gaze "you haven't aged a day" she looked down at their hands, Emily thought she looked like she was holding back tears.

Then she thought about Devon, Emily didn't really know all about the electus prophecy, but since she was technically half vampire, did that mean she wouldn't grow older as fast as humans did? Or would she be old and wrinkly in the next sixty years while Devon was still young and healthy?

Emily glanced at Devon who was sitting next to her on the couch, starring across at her parents. She wondered if maybe he had thought about that, or if it bothered him. It didn't seem to bother Henry that Olivia had aged twenty years since the last time they saw each other, the way he looked at her was filled with love and kindness. Henry turned his attention to Devon.

"So, young Lord, why are you here?" He asked, his voice sounding a little harsh. Before Devon could answer Emily spoke up.

"He saved me, thats all you really need to know, I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him." She said and grabbed Devon's hand, lacing her fingers in between his. Henry raised his eyebrow and to Emily he seemed to have a very 'you better not hurt my daughter or I'll rip out your knee caps' look on his face.

"Now I have a question" Devon said suddenly, Henry turned his head to look at him. "What did you find out about the electus?" He asked, Henry sighed and slightly slumped his shoulders.

"Not much, it was suppose to be a myth, just speculation really. I spoke to a witch about five years ago about it and she was the only person who ever gave me any decent information." Henry sat up straighter, turning his body towards Emily and Devon.

"She told me the electus will never gain all of her powers unless she is turned, but she will start to develop some of them when she reaches maturity. Powers like visions and the ability to block other vampires abilities." Henry looked at Emily. "Have you noticed anything like that?"

"Yeah actually, I have a lot of weird dreams about things that sometimes come true, or they are kinda like warnings. And I noticed that a lot of vampire mind tricks and ability's don't work on me as well" Emily said shrugging, Henry nodded.

"I'm not surprised, the witch also told me that you might inherit some of my abilities too, just like a normal vampire would" he said and Emily's brows shot up.

"What abilities do you have?" She asked a little loudly, Henry chuckled.

"I inherited two from my parents, one is a healing ability, the other is an elemental one" he said proudly, Emily felt a little giddy and scooted forward in her seat.

"Which element?" She asked, she heard Devon chuckle a little.
"I'll show you" Henry said with a grin and looked down at the coffee table.

Olivia had gotten everyone a glass of water before they all sat down. Henry swept his hand above the table and suddenly all the water in every glass froze to solid ice. He then swept his hand back over the glasses and they all quickly turned back to water. He looked back up at Emily, his eyes no longer their beautiful light green, instead a dark red.

"I have a water elemental ability" Henry said while smiling fondly at his daughter, Emily smiled back, and as Henry's eyes changed back to green, she thought to herself.

'My dad doesn't seem so bad'

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