Chapter 12

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The morning dew gave the earth a sweet smell, the sun had not yet kissed the sky, but the horizon was turning from black to a dark purple. Xavier breathed in deeply and sighed, Malik hadn't returned from his mission, lately he was always busy. Being the master warriors second in command had its perks, but also its problems.

Xavier missed his mate, he didn't know when he would be back. Being stuck within the walls of the coven had been making Xavier feel suffocated lately, and after getting permission from master Cyrus, he was excited to have a day in the human world. He felt like the master warrior only gave him permission because of Malik, but he didn't mind, he had been itching to get away for a few hours.

He took another deep breath of fresh morning air before heading back inside. Xavier thought he should get a little bit of sleep before heading out, he knew Malik wouldn't be coming home today.

Xavier made his way to the third floor, quickly going into his apartment and locking the door behind him. He laid down on the soft sheets of his and Malik's bed, curling up on his side.

Later he would head to his hometown, it was only an hour drive and definitely worth the trip. Xavier shut his eyes, suddenly sleepy with the rising sun.


It was finally Saturday; Devon, Emily and Emma piled into Devon's car. They were going to go into town, Emily had planned the short trip. Devon and Emma would have some alone time over lunch while Emily would do some light shopping. She didn't have a lot of clothes surprisingly and wanted to buy a few new things.

Devon parked into the small lot behind the Main Street shopping plaza. Everyone quickly exited the car and started walking towards the busy sidewalks.

Devon grabbed Emily's hand, intertwining their fingers. She looked up at him and noticed he looked a little tired. She knew he hadn't been sleeping well, plus it was only one in the afternoon so the sun was probably bugging him a little. Even though there was an overcast today, the sun still dragged him down.

When the trio made it to the little Italian restaurant, Emily let go of Devon's hand and got on her tiptoes to give him a small peck on the cheek.

"Alright I'm gonna go a few shops down, call me when you guys are done" she said smiling sweetly.

"Are you sure you don't want to come eat with us?" Emma asked, Emily shook her head.

"No sis, this is some you and Devon bonding time" Emily leaned in a little closer and whispered into Emma's ear, "plus this is a good time for me to get some new panties and bras, I don't need Devon for that" the girls giggled and Emily turned around on her heel.

"Have fun you two!" She waved and started walking away. Emily needed a little alone time, not that she didn't love spending time with Devon, she just really needed some time to herself for a little. Plus she really wanted her sister and Devon to get to know each other. Emma was her best friend and this was the first time she had brought a guy home, so Emily wanted them to get along.

She walked into the small boutique shop and was greeted by one of the workers. Emily went to the back to look at some of the new summer dresses. There weren't a lot of people in the store surprisingly.

After Emily found nothing she really liked, she left and walked next door to a used book shop. Even though books weren't on her list of things to get, she had always loved the little bookshop. When she was younger, her mother would bring her and Emma here to get cheap books to read for bedtime.

Emily walked down the rows of books, picking up a few here and there. Before she realized it, she was carrying four books in her arms. Two were anatomy books, another one a romance and one more a science fiction.

Emily thought she should put one back and turned a corner, accidentally running right into someone and knocking out the books from her arms.

"Ohmygosh I'm so so so sorry, I didn't see you, lemme get those" the young guy gushed as he crouched down to pick up both his and Emily books from the ground.

"No no it's totally fine, I should watch where I'm going" Emily said and crouched down to pick up a couple of the books.

They both stood and Emily was taken aback by the guy. He was incredibly cute, jade green eyes and dark hair with a sweet boyish smile. He looked about her age, maybe a year or two older. He had a slim body and was only a few inches taller than Emily. The guy was wearing a black sweatshirt that went past his hips and skinny blue jeans with beat up black converse. He handed Emily her books and she handed him his.

"I'm really sorry, uh hi, my name is Xavier" he put out his hand, Emily grabbed it and shook lightly with the hand that wasn't currently holding her books.

"It's no problem, and my name is Emily, nice to meet you" she said with a grin. At first he grinned too, but his face slowly turned to confusion as he gripped her hand.

"I ..... I can't..... see anything" Xavier said in a small voice, as if in shock. Emily furrowed her brow and let go of his hand.

"I'm sorry, what?" Emily asked with a confused look on her face. Xavier leaned in closer and Emily heard him breathe in deeply.

"You smell human but..... not entirely" he said softly and took a step back, his eyes widened when he looked at Emily again.

"I'm sorry! I probably sound like a lunatic!" He almost shouted and lowered his head.

"No no it's fine, I uh, I get that a lot, my smell being off" Emily chuckled, she realized the guy in front of her was obviously a vampire. He seemed nice but she still kept her guard up.

"So you know then?" Xavier quieted his voice again and Emily nodded.

"What are you?" He asked, Emily was a little shocked that he asked that and she didn't really know what to say. She knew she shouldn't just blurt out anything, so she played it off and shrugged.

"I'm just human, but I've always had a knack for blocking certain abilities, like yours apparently, what did you mean by you can't see anything?" Emily asked, tilting her head to the side. Xavier raised his eyebrows, probably surprised by the question.

"Well, whenever I touch someone for the first time, I can see into them, their past, their feelings, I can tell if someone is lying, if they are a good person, their wants and dreams. I can basically see anything I want, but for some reason, when I touched your hand, I saw nothing, which almost never happens." He narrowed his eyes for a spilt second, "so that's means you're not completely human" Emily crossed her arms and shook her head.

"Don't you think it's a little rude to just look into people like that?" She said with a slight glare, Xavier's jaw dropped, all the seriousness drained from his face and was replaced with embarrassment.

"Hey it's not something I can control the first time, after that then yes it can be rude but the first time isn't my fault, I don't do it on purpose" he crossed his arms and pouted, Emily looked at him in disbelief, this had to be the least threatening vampire she's ever met.

"Okay okay I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offended you" Emily mumbled, Xavier almost looked like he was about to cry. He sniffled and stood up a little straighter.

"No it's fine, ugh Malik would call me a cry baby if he saw me right now" He muttered more to himself than anything.

"Look we got off on the wrong foot, so wanna try again?" Emily asked with a smile, Xavier met her eyes and nodded.

"Hi, I'm Emily, it's nice to meet you" Emily said and put out her hand, Xavier smiled and grabbed it.

"I'm Xavier, it's nice to meet you too"

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