Chapter 13

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Devon and Emma sat across from each other in a small, two person booth. Emma did a lot of the talking, asking Devon somewhat weird questions. Things like "is your favorite food steak?" "Are you a garlic bread or no garlic bread kind of person?" "Ever been to the beach and sunbathed?"

Devon answered all her weird questions the best he could and asked a few questions of his own. After the waitress brought their food, it was pretty awkward, Emma stopped spurting her strangely specific questions and Devon didn't know what else to ask.

After a long silence of just eating, Emma looked up and met Devon's gaze.

"So, why are you with my sister?" She asked with her head slightly tilted, that was the first question she asked that didn't confuse Devon.

"Well, a lot of reasons I guess" Devon took a sip of his water before answering her question "your sister is a really strong girl, kind, beautiful, overall amazing to me, I've never met anyone like her, and I don't think I ever will again, so instead of pushing yet another woman out of my life, I took a chance and, well, it seems I made a good decision for once." Devon smiled to himself while Emma was having trouble keeping her eyes from getting watery.

What he said seemed so genuine, like he really loved Emily. Emma didn't even care if he was a vampire anymore, as long as he didn't hurt Emi, he could maybe stick around, maybe.

The two talked a little more after that, casual conversation and Devon felt a bit relieved. Emily wanted him to get to know her sister and he really felt like they were starting to get along.

Devon paid and tipped their waiter before the two left the restaurant. He was about to call Emily but caught sight of her before he could reach for his phone. Devon was about to start walking towards her when he noticed she was talking to someone else, then it hit him.

She was talking to a vampire.


"So you like anatomy huh?" Xavier asked glancing at Emilys books as she paid for them. She had put back the science fiction and romance book, happily settling for her two books about grays anatomy and functions of the cardiovascular system.

"Yep, I'm hoping to become a surgeon one day" she answered before thanking the book store owner and picking up the plastic bag that held her new books.

"Interesting, i always just read fiction really, I like adventure books, plus a little bit of romance" Xavier patted his own plastic bag as the two began walking to the door.

"I do too but learning more about the human body is way more interesting to me" Emily said with a grin, she was beginning to like this guy. Sure he was a vamp but he seemed really nice and again, completely not threatening once so ever.

Xavier held the door open for Emily and the two walked out onto the side walk. He took the sunglasses that had been hooked onto the collar of his sweatshirt and put them on.

"Well hey it was nice meeting you but I should probably go get my boyfriend and sister" Emily said with a smile.

"Yeah I should probably head back to my place, my Malik might be home by now, but nice meeting you too" He smiled a big boyish smile but it quickly dissolved and his face contorted into fear as he looked behind her. Emily furrowed her brow and turned her head slightly.

"Oh Devon, hey I was just about to come get you" Emily said, Devon frowned and looked over at Xavier who was doing his best to stare at the ground.

"Lord Devon" he muttered and did a slight bow.

"Devon, this is Xavier, we accidentally bumped into each other in the bookstore, but there's nothing to worry about" Emily put an emphasis on the word 'nothing' and placed her hand on his chest.

"Xavier, now I can see you're a warrior class, no wonder I didn't sense you sooner" Devon said, his mouth forming into a thin line.

"My apologies my lord, I did not realize she was claimed or I would have kept more distance" Xavier's voice trembled slightly but still sounded emotionless, Emily shook her head.

"No, you don't have to apologize, Devon stop it you're scarring him" Emily said through gritted teeth. Devon blinked a few times and relaxed his shoulders.

"No harm done young warrior, but if you don't mi-"

"Devon! What the hell, don't just bolt off like that!" Emma yelled from behind them, making everyone flinch. Devon took a step closer to Xavier, leaning down slightly to get closer to his level.

"It would be best if you left now and forgot this ever happened" he said just above a whisper. Xavier nodded quickly and did another slight bow before turning on his heel and walking in the opposite direction.

"Hello?! Don't ignore me you two!!" Emma yelled as she walked up the sidewalk towards Emily and Devon.

"Hey quit yelling, there are other people here you know" Emily said to her sister.

"Well your boyfriend up and left me without saying a word" Emma glared at Devon who put his hands up.

"My bad, I thought you could walk fast, I swear you were right behind me a second ago" he smirked and Emily giggled, Emma put her hands on her hips.

"Okay, no fighting, at least not here, take it out back you two." Emily said before Emma could open her mouth. Devon grabbed Emily's hand and she looked up at him. Even through his sunglasses she could see the worry on his face.

"Wait, you didn't get any clothes? Just books?! Wtf sis" Emma said pointing at her sisters plastic bag.

"Oh yeah whoops, I got distracted, no worries though I think we should head home" Emily said quickly and started walking down the sidewalk back towards the car. Emma made a few protests while Devon stayed silent but lightly gripped onto Emily's hand.


It was almost 3:30 by the time Xavier had made it back to the coven. He parked his car in the underground parking lot and quickly walked up the concrete stairs to the third floor.

'Oh no oh no oh no, I pissed off a royal, and not just any royal, I pissed off Devon Hillington, oh man oh man oh man'

Xavier was so lost in his wave of thoughts that he didn't even notice the man standing in front of his apartment door until he was right in front of him.

"Master Cyrus! M-my liege, do you need me?" Xavier stumbled over his words and took a step back, bowing to the master warrior.

"Well, you're quite jumpy today young Xavier, how was your day out? Did something happen?" He asked with a raised brow, Xavier didn't meet his eyes as he felt his heart sink. Should he tell Cyrus what had happened? If he did, would Lord Devon find out? Xavier swallowed the lump in his throat and stood up straight.

"No, my liege, I had a pleasant time, nothing out of the ordinary happened" Xavier kept his head slightly lowered in a respectful manner, keeping his eyes on the floor.

"Wonderful, I only came here to make sure you made it back safely" Cyrus put a hand on Xaviers shoulder before turning to leave. "Have a good evening" was all he said before exiting the hallway.

Xavier let out a slow and shaky breath before unlocking his apartment and going inside. He furrowed his brows in worry, knowing full well he had just lied to the master warrior.

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