Chapter 9

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Lunch had been fun, Emily and Devon went to Applebee's and then to the nearby mall. Emily couldn't help but think again how easy it was to pretend everything was normal, that she was just on a date with a cute guy from her college. When in reality the guy holding her hand was a very powerful vampire who could easily slaughter ever person in this mall. Still, pretending was nice.

They walked into a small jewelry store, Emily walked over to the necklaces. Each one was beautiful and very expensive. Her eye caught on one in particular, it was silver with a small heart charm hanging from it. The heart had three small black diamonds in it, each one sparkled under the light.

"Do you like that one?" Devon said pointing at the necklace Emily had been starring at.

"Yeah it's really pretty, stupid expensive though" she said with a sigh and turned to go look at the bracelets. These were pretty too, all shiny and bright. Bracelets weren't her thing as much so she wandered over to look at the stores massive collection of rings. Talk about expensive, one of the most simple engament rings was almost a thousand dollars. Emily sighed again, thinking about money made her head hurt.

She turned around to look for Devon and found him talking to the lady behind the cash register. As Emily walked over she noticed that the lady did a slight bow before saying the normal 'have a nice day!'

"Did that lady just bow to you?" Emily asked as Devon walked over to her, in his hands he was carrying a small white box.

"Yeah, I prefer they didn't do that in public like this but at least it wasn't really noticeable." Emily raised a brow and looked at the woman again. She was really pretty and young, her long platinum blond hair in loose curls framed her face and her eyes were a gorgeous electric blue. Emily thought for a moment.

"Wait... is she a vamp?" Emily somewhat whispered to Devon as they exited the store. He nodded and chuckled.

"Yes, but a very low class one" he replied.

"You're like some celebrity in the fang world aren't you?" Emily said with a sly smile.

"You could say that, how does it feel to be dating a celebrity?" Devon said back with a smirk and Emily couldn't help but blush. Guess this really was a date then and it did sometimes feel like she was with a celebrity due to his flawless features and random people bowing to him in respect.

They left the mall and were walking to the car, once again hand in hand. When they got in the car, Devon pulled out the little white box he had stuffed in his pocket.

"Oh yeah I forgot you bought something, can I see it?" Emily asked looking at the box.

"Only if you promise to wear it" he said softly as he took the small white top off to reveal the beautiful silver heart necklace Emily had been looking at. She gasped, putting her hand over her mouth.

"Devon I can't believe you bought that, it was really expensive" Emily said in awe as he took out the necklace and dangled it in the air.

"Well you liked it and I thought it would look better on you than in that display case" he said then made her turn around in her seat. Emily moved her hair so he put the necklace around her neck. It rested lightly over her collar bone, the little silver heart sat perfectly on her chest. She turned around and smiled at Devon.

"Thank you so much, I don't eve-" he stopped her by putting his finger over her lips.

"No need to thank me" he whispered before leaning in to give her a small kiss on the lips. Emily felt her cheeks heat up again and she couldn't help the butterflies of happiness that filled her stomach.


"Alana, get your head out of the clouds and help me close up the shop!" Mr.Brank yelled and made Alana jump. She couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier in the day. Lord Devon had been in the store, she had never seen any royal before, let alone talk to one. He exhumed power, which had made her nervous, not to mention he was extremely attractive. She had done her best to be polite like she was with her normal customers but also be extremely respectful to him.

She had noticed there was a human girl with him, that was a bit odd. Usually, royals only kept humans near them as servants or something to eat but never really out in public. It seemed like Lord Devon had bought that necklace for the girl though, which was even more odd.

Alana helped her boss close up the shop, wiping down the glass display cases and double checking to make sure they were all locked before heading out the store. She waved goodbye to Mr.Brank and her other co worker Meredith before heading out to her car. It was nighttime now, the employee parking lot was mostly empty. Her blue Toyota Corolla sat towards the back of the parking lot, she always parked in the back because she didn't mind the walk. It was a little chilly tonight, a slight breeze caused goosebumps to form on her arms. The cold didn't bother her much though.

She clicked her unlock button on her key, it took a few tries as she got closer, Alana made a mental note to get a new key battery soon. Suddenly she felt the air around her shift, she became instantly alert, feeling the presence of another vampire nearby in the back of her skull. Before Alana could turn around, she was slammed into her car, taking the breath out of her lungs. Her attacker quickly grabbed her hands and pressed them against her back. Alana tried not to panic but she could feel the fear starting to accumulate in the pit of her stomach.

"Don't make any noise, I just have a few questions and then I'll leave, nod if you understand" the man holding her said in a gruff voice, Alana nodded. She couldn't tell how old he was by his voice, but she could definitely tell he was a higher class than her, his strength and stealth said he was from the warrior class.

"Was Lord Devon here earlier?" He asked, Alana hesitated for a second, then nodded. "Was he with a human girl?" She nodded again. The man muttered something under his breath that Alana didn't quite hear.

"Did the girl by chance seem.... different to you?" He asked in a low voice. Alana pondered a moment, she hadn't really paid much attention to the human, she had kept all her focus on Lord Devon.

"I-I'm not sure" she stuttered, the man held her for a few more seconds, as if contemplating what to say next. Alana didn't move, she stayed perfectly still and waited. Without even a notice, he let her go and she felt his presence in the parking lot disappear quickly.

Alana took a deep breath of cold air and shook slightly as she let it out. She quickly got into her car, locking her doors before starting it and driving home.

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