Chapter 19

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Devon watched in horror as Emily clawed at her own throat, causing blood to gush from her jugular.

"Emily!" Devon shouted and moved towards her with vampiric speed, no longer in whatever tance that had made him stand still. He reached her before she could fall, grabbing and holding her tightly to him.

She was looking at him, and he watched as her eyes changed from red to their normal beautiful green. She seemed confused, like she didn't know what was happening.

"Emily, stay with me, everything will be okay" he almost shouted at her, panic flooded through his body. Devon didn't even realize Henry was there, trying to reach out and pull Emily away from him.

"Devon, I have healing abilities, let me help her dammit!" Henry yelled, trying to get some sense into him. Devon looked up at him and nodded quickly while still holding onto the now seemingly lifeless girl. He could hear her heartbeat slowing, she was losing so much blood.

Henry put his hand over her neck as he concentrated on trying to heal her. Devon knew, however, that it would not save Emily, her heart rate was becoming slower and harder to hear.

"Henry, she needs my blood" he said softly, Henry shook his head violently, keeping his hands over Emily's wounds.

"No, I will not allow you to turn her, she doesn't deserve this life, I can heal her" he said with so much confidence that Devon almost believed him, he even wanted to believe him, but he knew she was losing to much blood and would not survive.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let her die, I made a promise"

Devon lifted his forearm to his mouth, ripping the skin and causing blood to drip rapidly from the wound. He quickly pressed his bleeding arm over Emily's mouth before it could begin to heal.

His blood flowed into her, Devon hoped it was enough because Henry gasped and pushed Devon, knocking him away from her. Devon glared at the man with dangerous red eyes, but Henry only starred down at his daughter, his face distraught.

"I never wanted this for her" he whispered. Slowly, he moved his hand to Emily's forehead, pushing her hair away from her deathly pale face.

"My only child, I have cursed you, I never should have left your side, I'm so sorry Emily" Henry spoke softly, his voice mixed with love and sorrow.

Devon moved closer, wanting so badly to pick Emily up into his arms and walk out of this place. He knew he couldn't, however, because he could feel Cyrus gaze burning at his back.

Anger once again roared within him, they wouldn't be in this mess if the master warrior would have just stayed away.

Devon stood and turned to face him, doing his best to conceal the raging beast within him.

"Are you content now Cyrus? I gave her my blood, within the next week she will awaken as a vampire." Devon said through gritted teeth.

"I guess in a way I am, however, seeing the power she possesses firsthand shows me I was right" Cyrus looked down for a moment then back towards Devon. "I know you will not leave here without her, so let's make a deal."

"What the hell else could you possibly want." Rage seeped from Devon, he was having trouble controlling himself.

"Here is my offer, I will give you back the human girl and allow her to leave with uh.... Henry was it? But you and the Electus must remain here, not forever of course, but long enough so that her powers are not a threat to everyone she meets." He finished, Devon was surprised by the offer. The master warrior was basically offering sanctuary.

When and if Emily would awaken, she could not be around humans, or else she would go on a bloodlust murdering spree. Being inside a warrior coven had its benefits, but Devon didn't trust Cyrus in the slightest.

"I am not playing games my lord, my offer is sincere, once she turns I want to be one of the first to witness her new found powers. She would be safe within my coven, no harm will come to her from me, or my warriors, if I break this oath, you shall have my head." Cyrus bowed, his body showed nothing but respect. With his words, Devon made his decision.

"Very well, Emily and I will remain in your coven until she is fit to leave, you will let Henry and the human Emma leave unharmed, and no harm will come to any of us, your oath is binding Master warrior." Devon held out his hand and Cyrus grabbed it, confirming the oath. Devon let go and turned back to Henry and Emily while Cyrus ordered Malik to find Emma and have someone escort her out of the coven.

Henry still held Emily, his eyes were closed now. He didn't speak while Devon moved to Emily's other side, he didn't even move.

"I'm sorry, Henry, but I couldn't let her die, I promised her I wouldn't." Devon spoke softly.

"I know, I was foolish to think I could save her" he opened his eyes and met Devon's gaze. "I have no right to ask this of you, but I have a request" Devon nodded for him to continue. "I ask that when she is ready, please bring her to see her mother, I will tell Olivia everything but.... a mother should be able to tell her daughter goodbye." Henry spoke softly, every word absorbed into Devon.

"Of course, thank you Henry" Devon reply, Henry gave him a faint smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. He handed Emily over to him and stood, bowed to Devon before walking to Cyrus.

"I'm sure you'll want me escorted out" Henry muttered.

"There is someone waiting for you by the elevator." Cyrus replied, Henry did a quick bow before exiting the room.

Devon held Emily in his arms, she felt cold, her skin still a deathly pale. Her heart no longer beating, there was no sign she was alive.

"I will have you both on the fifth floor, the one below this one, it is empty and only really used for meetings and guests from other covens." Cyrus said gesturing to the hall where Henry had just left from. "I expect you will be sharing a room, clothes and food will be provided for you both. Anything else you may need you will be.... "

Devon could barely hear him speaking, he only looked at Emily. Silently he begged for her to awaken, not with red eyes but those gorgeous green ones he had come to adore. He wanted her to see him the second she awoke, only to give him a soft smile and a sweet 'good morning.'

He knew however, this would not happen. When Emily awoke again, she would not smile, her eyes would not be green, and she would not be the same. She would be a vampire, and a very hungry one.

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