Chapter 21

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Henry walked out the front doors of the coven, followed closely by a female warrior. She said nothing but kept only a few feet between them.

As they neared the small parking lot, Henry could see Emma and another warrior, this one male, standing next to a green Volkswagen Beetle.

"Where's Emily?" Emma furrowed her brow confused.

"My name is Henry, I am a friend of your mothers, I will be going home with you." Henry said trying his best to sound somewhat friendly and not threatening.

Emma crossed her arms and opened her mouth like she was going to speak, but the man next to her beat her to it.

"Both of you, in the car, not another word until you are at least a mile from here." The man handed Emma a phone "and no calling anyone either, now leave."

"Pff, thanks Elijah" Emma muttered sarcastically and got into the drivers seat while Henry got into the passengers. She quickly backed out and sped away from the coven. At exactly one mile she spoke.

"Alright Henry, how do you know my mom?" She kept her eyes on the road.

"I've know Olivia for years, I've also known Devon for quite some time as well." Henry said looking out the window.

"Oh Christ are you a vamp too? I mean I'm pretty sure there's blood on your hands but come on" Emma looked over at him and Henry couldn't suppress the surprise on his face.

"I- did that damn warrior tell you?"

"Kinda, but I mostly figured it out on my own, so you're not a warrior then?" She asked curious.

"No, if I was I wouldn't be in this car." He replied looking down at his hands, he had forgotten about the blood. Henry couldn't help the wash of sorrow sweep over him as he looked at his blood stained hands, her blood.

"Did you come here with Emily? Is she okay? No one told me anything!"

"Yes, I accompanied Emily and Devon here, they are still inside the coven." Henry spoke softly, his words tentative.

Emma stayed quiet for a few moments, as if thinking. Suddenly her eyes grew wide and she looked at Henry, really looked at him.

"Oh. My. God. Are you Emily's dad?"

"That Elijah told you too much." Henry almost dropped his head in defeat, how was he going to explain all of this to Liv?

"Why didn't Emi say something? I thought we told each other everything." Emma's voice was tinged with hurt and Henry actually felt sorry for the girl.

"Don't blame your sister, she didn't know until recently, I made your mother promise secrecy to keep Emily safe. Plus she didn't want you to be dragged into this world, knowing we exist is not good for you." Henry said sighing.

"So, Emily just met you?" Emma asked.

"Yes, very recently, that was a mistake on my part, I shouldn't have left in the first place, I should have been a father to her then maybe she wouldn't be in this mess." Guilt washed over Henry again, his shoulders slumped slightly.

"Why is she and Devon still at the coven?"

"I'm sorry, but that is a question I will only answer when we get back to your mother."

Henry turned to look out the window, he thought Emma was done asking questions but instead she had one more.

"Will Emily be okay?" Emma asked softly, almost in a whisper.

"I hope so"


Devon laid Emily down on the large king sized bed. Her unmoving body sunk into the black comforter and sheets, she was so cold and lifeless Devon had to keep reminding himself that she wasn't really dead, at least he hoped.

He sat next to her, lightly holding her pale hand in his. She was still covered in her own blood, Devon glanced down at his own clothes and realized he was too. He looked at Emily one last time before standing and moving to the nearby dresser.

The drawers on the left side looked like clothes for Emily and the right side were for him. There was a bathroom on the left side of the room, opposite to the bed. He stepped into the narrow doorway and was slightly impressed at the large shower.

Devon turned on the shower and quickly undressed. He stepped into the stream of water and watched as the blood on his arms and hands begin to drip and flow down the drain. Her blood gave the water a pink tinge, her blood.

The water began to steam and hiss as it hit Devon's skin, he felt anger deep within in, his element swirled around him, causing the water to evaporate.

Devon took a breath, centering himself. He was mad at himself, furious in fact, how could he let this happen? He should have been more careful, then maybe Emily wouldn't be laying lifeless on that king sized bed.

After all the blood was washed down the drain, Devon turned off the water and stepped out. He wrapped a towel around his waist and went to the dresser, grabbing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

The jeans were a little to big, but he didn't care. Devon dried his hair with the towel but heard a knock on the door. He walked over and opened it, surprised to see Xavier standing in front of him.

"Good evening, Lord Devon" he did a small but respectful bow. "Master Cyrus sent me, he wanted me to make sure you were comfortable and had everything you needed. If there's anything you need, please tell me and I will do whatever I can to accommodate you."

He looked a little scared, which to Devon was a normal reaction, the kid was probably still worried about what happened the last time they had met.

"Thank you Xavier, I'm fine right now, but I'll let you know, have a good night." Devon gave him a small smile and was a about to shut the door but Xavier put his hand on it.

"There's one more thing my master asked me to do for you."

"And what would that be?" Devon's voice was a bit harsh and he immediately felt bad. It wasn't Xavier's fault, he had orders from his master, but Devon just didn't want to be bothered right now. 

"He told me to bring you to the fourth floor, which is where we keep our human donors. He said you would need to be at full strength for when Emily wakes up." Xavier took his hand off the door, the look of fear changed for a moment to sadness.

Devon thought for a moment, he hadn't fed at all since that night with Emily, and he hadn't taken much. As he thought, the hunger within him growled, as if urging him to accept.

"Very well, but I'll need a lot."

"Of course, please follow me." Xavier started walking but Devon didn't budge. He didn't want to leave Emily alone.

"Lord Devon?" The young warrior looked over his shoulder when he realized Devon wasn't following him.

"I won't leave her here alone" Devon looked behind him at Emily, she was still laying lifelessly on the bed. Xavier took a few steps closer to him and nodded.

"I understand, if you want, I can stay here, and someone else will escort you. I know you don't know me, but I really like Emily, and she knows me, at least a little bit."

Devon thought again, but quickly realized Xavier was probably the best option. He seemed harmless, and by the looks of it he was terrified of Devon, he wouldn't dare play any tricks.

"Very well, find me another escort, I will wait here."

Xavier nodded quickly and did another small bow before walking back down the hallway.

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