Chapter Twenty

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 Mason’s POV

I sighed, looking in the mirror of the club. Kristin and I had decided to go to the toilets to check out our makeup and put a bit of cool water on our faces. Kris headed out a moment before me, and I was straightening my blue halter top before heading out.

“Kris! What the hell!” I said, looking over and seeing her against a wall with some guy, completely in the middle of a snog.  I looked over, seeing Liam, Mary, Lou, Liz and Niall standing there looking at us. Zayn was behind the man, grabbing him and yanking him away from Kristin.

Liam looked over once, his jaw dropped. He turned, racing out with us staring at him. Niall looked over at me once, silently telling me to come on.  I shook my head, seeing Zayn and I were the only ones who were going to stay with Kris. They all headed out, and Kris looked over at me with tears streaking down her face.

“Don’t you EVER touch her again.” Zayn snarled, shoving the guy against a wall, his fist connecting with the man’s nose. I heard a disgusting crack, I flinched, grabbing Kristin and trying to get her out of the club.

“Love, I’m so sorry. I saw what happened, I’m so glad Zayn was there.” I said, finally getting her out into the slightly cold air.

“Liam thought it was something else! He left!” Kristin cried, looking around for Liam.

“Calm down babe. We’ll fix this, I swear.”  I said, trying to get her to calm down and stop crying. I looked over, seeing Zayn walk out. He walked over, biting him lip and trying to rub his knuckles. I grabbed his hand, looking t the dried blood coating his hand.

“Zayn…” I mumbled, looking up at him.

“C’mon, let’s go back home.  Mary got picked up by her roommate.” Zayn said, ignoring me.

“Clubbing was a bad idea.” Kristin cried into her hands. I wrapped my arm around her, letting her cry into me as we walked back home.

“Zayn, did you at least leave him alive?” I mumbled, looking over with my bottom lip between my teeth.

“Sadly.” He said, his teeth clenched.

“Z, he deserved it, but what if he decides to press charges or something? It was probably what he was looking for.” I said, terrified of what could happen.

“He won’t. I made sure to make it very clear to him that if he ever came near any of us, ever, he would regret it dearly.” Zayn said, looking away from me.

“You really are a Bradford Bad Boy, aren’t you?” I said, seeing the building up ahead.

“Only you know how to make Kristin laugh as she’s crying.” Zayn said, looking over at us.

“Well, she’s my best friend. I can work it out.” I said, sighing and shifting my shoulder a bit. I was basically carrying Kris, and I can’t figure out when that happened.

“Here.” Zayn said, scooping Kristin up and carrying her.

 “Thanks. She’s not very heavy, but I can’t carry much.” I said, shaking my head and opening the door to the building for Zayn.

“Thanks M.”

“Welcome. You’re helping us, so we’re helping you too.” I said, smiling as he walking in the elevator.

“You can put me down… “Kristin said quietly, sniffling. Zayn let her stand, and she gave us both weak smiles before looking down at the ground.

“Do you think he’ll listen to me?” Kris asked, looking up at me with tears filling her eyes once again.

“I think he will. He’s Liam, of course he’ll listen.” Zayn said, and I but my lip, knowing exactly what was going through both our minds. It was going to be exactly like the rumors about Liam and I, but a thousand times worse. He had seen that guy kiss her, and I knew that she was trying to push him away but she couldn’t, he was twice her size.

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