Chapter Twenty Six

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I'm so glad I can fit in another chapter really quickly before I leave. <3

Also: Im using my dads laptop, where the keyboard is in spanish & the keys are all messed up so there might be some typing mistakes! 


Mason's POV

"Babe! Wake up!" Niall said, and I reached my hand out to find his face. I felt his cheek, then put my entire hand all over his face, lightly shoving so he would go away and let me sleep.

"That was mean." He mumbled, and I felt the pillow I had attatched to my face being pulled away, his lips pressing against mine. He knew very well that I couldn't really resist that, so I wrapped a hand in his hair and tugged so he would lay down with me. He smirked against my lips, pulling away and unwrapping my hand from his soft hair.

I kept my eyes closed, snuggling a pillow and turning from where I thought he was standing. I was flipped onto my back, Niall straddling my waist and pulling the pillow from me. He planted kisses all over my face, arms, hands, shoulders, everywhere he could see. I giggled, opening my eyes very  slightly, just able to see him lifting my shirt up a litlte to kiss my stomach. I bit my lip, seeing him look up at me with a big grin.

"You're so amazing." I said, and he sat up. I sat up onto my forearms, meeting him in the middle for a sweet kiss. I kept all my weight on one arm, bringing the other up to trace his jaw.

"I love you so much." He said to me, kissing the tip of my nose.

"I love you too. Now lets get up babe. I have to get dressed and attempt to make food." I smiled, kissing his nose and then his perfect lips.

"Why do you want to cook?" Niall asked me, climbing off and helping me up.

"Well. I always wanted to be that mum who made good food for her kids and stuff. I can't cook much. I can bake. But I need to cook." I said, skipping downstairs and going to make pancakes.

"Pancakes? Want to try something easier?" Niall said, seeing what I was doing.

"No, my granny taught me the worlds best way to make pancakes. I can do pancakes." I said, grinning at him.

"How many are you planning to make?" He asked me, and I shrugged.

"Well... If I'm right, then Rhiannon and Harry will be here any minute, and Zayn will follow. Maybe Lou if he's awake. So. As many as I can." I smirked, and he laughed.

"Alright. What makes you thi-"

"HOMIES WE HOME." Harry yelled, throwing the door open and leading everyone in, but Liam and Kris. 

"I win." I smirked, kissing Niall's cheek while putting the few I already made onto a plate and handing them to him to give out.

"Don't you always?" He teased, making me laugh and smile.

"Quit being all couple like! When she cooks and you're handing food out it seems like you're our parents or something." Harry whined, grabbing two pancakes and putting them on a plate with syrup.  

"Thats weird. Thats very, very weird." Rhiannon mumbled, taking a few of the ones I had just put down. I was making these higns quickly, because I knew with all of us in here I would need to make  about a thousand, maybe even two.

"Mason. Make more!" Lou whined, slamming his hand on the counter.

"Louis William Tomlinson, you will be patient or you are getting NOTHING." I snapped, turning and pointing the spatula at him.

"Whatever." He mumbled, and I smiled with a shake of my head.  

"Hey, can someone make some more for me? I have to get dressed and shower and stuff." I said, putting down the ones I had just made.

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