Chapter 4: A Bradford Nice Guy.

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"Knock knock, baby." Zayn says on the other side of the door. I clean my hands in a rush and walk to the door to open it.

"Hi, sorry I'm not usually dressed in just jeans and sweater when someone comes over." I apologise immediately as I see him taking in my outfit.

"Oh don't worry, you look beautiful." He leans in for a kiss on the cheek and I blush. Damn, why do I blush so easily?! I lead him to the kitchen were the douch is already rolled out on the counter. "So, we can basically put on whatever we like. I wanted to wait for you to do this so I was sure there wasn't anything on the pizza you don't like." I look down, suddenly feeling shy. He walks over to me and makes me look at him by putting his hand under my chin. He looks into my eyes for a few seconds.

"That's perfect, thank you." He smiles, dropping his hand from under my chin. I grab some mozarella, pesto, tomatoes, mushrooms, whatever tastes good on a pizza.

"Do you like mushrooms?" I ask him, grabbing the already sliced mushrooms from the freezer.

"They're okay." He says while focusing on cutting the mozarella in pieces. "Then we won't put them on the pizza because I absolutely hate them." I throw the mushrooms in the bin, I'm not going to eat them anyway. I hear Zayn chuckle from behind me.

"You don't talk much, do you?" I eye him. He's standing with his back to me, still cutting the mozarella. He's wearing a black t-shirt with some kind of logo on it, a leather jacket covering his arms.

"No I don't." We decorate the pizza with everything we like, occasionally exchanging a few glances or words. A little while after the table is set, and the pizza is ready to be eaten. We both take a big bite at the same time, curious to how the pizza has turned out. "Wow, it's really good." Zayn smiles, taking another bite.

"Hmhm." I hum in agreement, my mouth still full. We eat the pizza in silence, enjoying it way too much to talk. In minutes there is nothing left on the plate but a few crumbs and a bit of sauce. I have to admit, we did a pretty damn good job on the pizza. "How about we take a walk in the woods behind the building?" I ask, wanting to spend more time getting to know Zayn, and maybe even get something out of him about Niall. Zayn just nods as he walks towards the hall to get his jacket. 

"You know, I'm really happy you brought me back to the club the other night." I say. I have to say something to start up the conversation. We've been walking in silence for half an hour now, not that that's a bad thing, and Zayn doesn't seem the person to start a conversation out of nothing.

"You are?" He raises is brows at me, a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I was so afraid Niall would take me back. All he did was bark at me." I look at the ground, remembering the way he spoke to me in the alley and at campus.

"Listen, I'm not saying this because I'm his friend or anything, but Niall is really a good lad, you know? He may do some stupid shit like snorting cocaine and he may seem like a total arse, but he would never hurt anyone." I'm surprised at his words, and when I look at him he has this adoration, yet also dissapointment, in his eyes as he talks about Niall.

"Why does he act like that?"

"He's on edge because he doesn't want to get hurt-" He stops looking at the ground. "Just, just don't take anything he says seriously, okay?" He seems eager to move on to the subject so I just nod.

The rest of the walk is spent in silence. Soon we have made quite the walk and head back to my flat. Zayn stops me from going inside.

"I'm sorry I reacted that way on your questions about Niall. You see, I'm really protective over him, he's like my little brother and I just really don't who he's become over the time." He sounds very upset so I shoot him a small smile.

"It's okay, I understand." I say meaning it. I take his hand and walk inside with him, slowly walking up the steps. We stand in front of my door, looking at each other in silence. "So, do you want to come in or?" I ask him after a few minutes of silence.

"I better get going, it's 11 already and you have class tomorrow." He answers letting go of my hand.

"Oh, yeah of course. Thank you for tonight, I had a great time."

"No problem, babe. Thank you for the pizza." He winks, leaning in. My breath is stuck in my throat as he gives me a quick peck on the lips, astonishing me. "I'll see you around, okay."

Unable to speak I just nod, walk inside my flat and close the door behind me. I can't believe what happened.

Zayn thinking of Niall as a little brother? Niall was talking to Zayn like he meant nothing to him. Why is Niall keeping his guards up like that? It seems like he doesn't trust anyone. Something bad must've happened to him in the past. So many questions and no answers. I decide to take out one of my old notebooks to write. I haven't done that in so long, but my head is full of questions that I don't know how to answer, so writing seems like the best option right now. With my legs crossed I sit on the couch, the notebook sitting on my lap, and empty page waiting to be filled in front of me. As I take a deep breath I put my pen on the paper waiting for my mind to come out and fill page after page with my thoughts, so I can finally get some rest. I wait for 10 minutes and finally it comes. I write everything down that slips into my mind. All my questions about Niall, Zayn, literally everything. I swear my deepest secrets are on this paper, but also the most ridiculous things like how I wondered the pizza would've tasted if I put on some cucumber. Cramps in my hand as I keep filling page after page. Maybe this is what Niall does all the time, maybe he does the same thing as I do. Just scribble my thoughts in a notebook, maybe he was just frowning because of the sun in his eyes. No, that can't be true. The sun wasn't shining that bright and the pain was written all over his eyes, you don't have to know him to see it. Finally I stop, the pen falls from my hand and I close the book, not bothering to read over what I've written down in the past... 20 minutes? I check the time on my phone. 3 in the morning?! I've been writing for 3 and a half frickin' hours?! I re-open the notebook to check how many pages I've written. 1...2...3...4......12. Yeah now I get why it's so late. So much has been going on in my mind. I sigh and put the notebook back in its place, grab the pen off the floor and head to the bedroom. Maybe I should stop thinking so much about everything. I crawl into my bed as soon as I got my PJ's on and immediately dift off into a deep sleep. 


I gasp as I jump up. Frantically I look around the room, for anyone to be here. Nobody to be seen I get up to make myself a cup of tea, a hockeystick in my hand to slam into whoever's head that's in here. My nightmare creeped me out big time and I don't like being alone right now, but what will I do? It's 4 in the morning, I've slept for an hour. I make myself a cup of tea to calm down and grab my phone to call Harry. I don't know why  but I always used to do this, so it seems like the right thing. It takes a while for him to pick up.

"Lun? You've had a nightmare, didn't you?" Harry says, his voice thick with sleep.

"Yes." I sigh and chuckle at the same time. Don't even know how I did that.

"Listen, everything is going to be alright, it was just a dream. Make yourself a nice cup of tea and go back to sleep. I'll stop by tomorrow after your class, okay?" He says. I smile, back in the old days he would come straight away, in the middle of the night. Too bad that's impossible now.

"Okay, see you tomorrow. Thank you." I hang up the phone, drink my cup of tea and go back to bed. 

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