Chapter 18

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After an hour of just sitting and looking at the stars with Thomas, I was starting to nod off. That was until Frypan came running.
"Fry, what's up? Why are you so panicked?" I ask
"It's Newt, we can't find him anywhere. He's not here at the camp"
"What do you mean he's not here?" I ask standing up with Thomas.
"He's missing (Y/N). We looked everywhere"
"Well obviously not hard enough. I'm going to find him. We'll split up so we can cover more area" I say
"Well Jorge and Brenda are searching through the camp, Thomas and I could go and search the surroundings?" Frypan suggested
"Yeah, I'll search the mountain where we were today" I say and we nod and split up. I grab a torch and run to the higher section of the camp.
"Newt! Newt where are you?" I yell into the night. I keep searching the perimeter for like another 15mins but still, there was no sign of him. I was really getting worried. I then suddenly get grabbed from behind and my mouth gets covered and I scream and punch whoever it was and then they throw me onto the ground.
In a panic, I shine my torch on them.
"Newt? Newt what the heck was that?" I question as I try to sit up but my shoulder burns because I landed on it.
"Oh shit, (Y/N) I'm so sorry" Newt apologises and pulls me to my feet.
"What are you doing up here?"
"I needed to get away. All of a sudden I got so angry and it just kept building. I didn't know what I was angry at. It was just there. I didn't mean anything I said to him" Newt said and started to cry. Newt was crying. I then hug him.
"Hey, look at me" I say and he does "you had us all worried sick when you went a-wall up here. The others are still looking for you. It was just a fight. We had a long and hard day. You're tired. We all get angry"
"But I was angry at nothing"
"Yeah but there's no need to beat yourself up about it. Thomas basically forgot about it as soon as he heard you were missing"
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be. Come on, let's get you back to the camp" I say and grab his hand and we walk down the mountain.

"Newt you're ok" Fry says and gives Newt a hug
"Yeah I'm fine, sorry I worried you guys"
"Don't worry, it's totally not like we thought you were taken by a Wicked soldier that was left behind or something" Brenda says
Thomas just stays quiet and Newt looks at him.
"I'm sorry Thomas. It's not your fault, any of this" Newt says
"It's ok, I'm just glad your not dead or anything, I mean who would help me put up with my sister all the time?" Thomas joked which made Newt laugh
"I'm here you know" I say crossing my arms.
"Yeah, I know, I just wanted you to know that"
"Gee thanks" I laugh
"Hey Newt, where'd you get that bruise on your face from?" Jorge asked and I noticed where I had punched him had swollen slightly.
"Oh yeah that um... When (Y/N) found me, it wasn't a nice 'hello oh I found you' thing" Newt said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck
"What's that supposed to mean?" Brenda asked
"When I found him, well, more likely he found me. He grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth and I then punched him and he threw me onto the ground" I say
"Why the hell did you two do that to each other?" Fry asked
"Wasn't expecting her, I was expecting some other person. I thought it was a crank or something" Newt said
"You'd attack a crank. Well you sure know how to get yourself killed" Jorge said and Newt stiffened a little and I knew why.
"Ok, I think it's time that we all head to bed" I say taking Newt's hand and walking over to our sleeping bags.
"Night everyone" Thomas says
"Night" we all reply.
I then lie down next to Newt.
"You ok?" I ask
"Yeah. Just feel different but I'm fine"
"Ok" I say and then kiss him. He then makes it more passionate and pulls me closer to him. I had missed doing this. I run my hand through his hair as we kiss. We then break apart.
"Love you" I say
"I love you too greenie" he says and then I drift off to sleep.

One more which I shall post tomorrow, it'll only be a short one but still all the same, a conclusion to this book and a gateway to the next.

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