Chapter 30.2

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Approaching the entrance of the Gate was no less nerve wracking the second time around as it was the first time Ezara had done it. The huge black towers rose out of sight as she passed under it, and just to the sides the world could be seen to drop away, as the great chasm marked an abrupt end to Unkarra. She felt like a tiny mouse entering a giant's home. Dara was there beside her, squinting at the massive black structure.

"What is it?" she breathed, latching her arm around Ezara's.

The group of Unkarran boys they continued to hide with was subdued by the strange monolith as well. It was a somber walk as they covered the short distance from the camp to the dark opening of the gate. They passed by the huge columns, under the massive overhang, and into the entrance room.

It was a rare chance that the rising suns were casting their light inot the room, and it was not total darkness. The boys murmured to themselves, spying the dark doorways off to the sides.

The company man who had relayed the orders from Matias, and was tasked with seeing everyone through, led them up to the large gate, beyond which loomed the gigantic tunnel-like bridge.

"Safe travels," the man said stoically, ushering them lazily through the huge Gate. Ezara and Dara pulled their hoods down and mixed with the group at the far side to stay unnoticed. The steps of the group echoed about the room as they filed through, and Ezara was nearly worried the loud beating of her heart, which resounded in her head, was going to give her away. But they made it past him without notice, and it was a full minute of walking later that she let out a breath, and gave Dara's hand a squeeze. Dara was white as a ghost but showed a glimpse of relief at the squeeze.

Once the Gate was left far behind, and their world became a monotonous downward walk through the tunnel, the conversation slowly returned to the group.

"What is this?" they began asking Ezara.

"I've only been here once before," she answered, "I don't know anything more than you."

They began guessing what had created it, the black rock-like walls showing no signs of seams or construction. A demon's work, was their best guess. They then had to struggle about why a demon would have built it.

Late in the day, Ezara could sense the difference in the musty air - at least in the hint of fresh air that came into the tunnel from the high windows. The cool, crisp, fresh smell that she hadn't breathed since leaving Geberra, and she knew they were nearly there.

"We must be almost there," she told the rest of them.

"Thank the hidden ones," Flavias said, walking near her. "I've never missed the sky so much."

The end greeted them with another huge gate into darkness. The group instinctively slowed to a halt before it.

"It's a room, like we passed through on the other side,' Ezara said. "Come on, let's get out of here." She pushed some of the boys along, not willing to go first, and pulled the hood over her head.

"Stay near the back," Flavias advised Ezara and Dara.

Through the darkness they went, and into Geberra. Ezara was surprised to see that walls had been constructed, tall enough to keep out people, but laughably small when compared to the size of the gate, which enclosed the area of the overhang from the entrance to the pillars. Ahead was a man-made gate, which made it look more like a normal keep or fortress. Not that Ezara had ever seen any; all she knew of such buildings were from a few drawings she had seen when she was young. But this at least looked of human construction.

This place was empty of people, and the wooden gate left open, so they carried on until they once again had sky above them. The scattered clouds above were stained pink from the sunset; the evening air was every bit as crisp and cool as the previous wasps had promised. The colour green was astounding. After having been so used to the red and yellow of the desert. Seeing the trees, underbrush and grass was a pure assault of green on the eyes.

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