Chapter 2.2

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Once again Bogrel stayed where he was and awaited the visitors. Their count was four, and with them three dogs. The dogs were the first to arrive, though they held position until their master arrived.

The men stayed back with the dogs at first, measuring Bogrel from a distance, much as he did to they. They took several gulps from their skins each, and he felt envy.

Finally the leader approached him, obviously so by his garment and arms. Everything about him let on to a affluent lifestyle. It was especially apparent once he addressed Bogrel.

"Tell us where the girls are, peasant, and you might live out the day."

Whatever Bogrel might have responded with, he could not stifle the snort that came from him.

"You would dare show house Stamrin disrespect?! I wonder if you even have the respect to have paid your tithes? Do you have a token to show?" He asked, hand on the pommel of his sword.

Bogrel crouched and picked up a stick to poke the fire he stood beside. "I don't, and I haven't. Why don't you try to take them from me, then?" he responded.

The man drew himself up, as though having taken full insult. "Hand over the children! This is the last chance you'll get."

"It seems to me that they've already paid with everything they had," Bogrel said.

"Then know that I, Ronclay of house Stamrin sentence you to death for civil disobedience. Rynagar!" he shouted over his shoulder. The largest man stepped forward and received the crude instructions to execute Bogrel, and he smirked and approached.

The appraoching man was easily an entire head's height taller than Bogrel, as well as nearly twice his bulk, from appearances. "I'll cut you up like I did to the rest of those helpless peasants, old man," he said, baring his teeth.

Bogrel stood relaxed by the fire, poking it causally with the stick, until the big man had closed the distance. The attacker drew his sword, took a measured step, and drew back his sword for a strike. In a decisive and quick strike, Bogrel stuck the stick in the man's eye. Red hot embers burned as Rynagar screamed and aborted his strike, instead reeling and grabbing his hand with his other had.

Bogrel took several quick long strides, bumping chests with the man, and at the same time burying a dagger deep into the big man's body. The sword fell from the his hands before he died, and Bogrel was quick to pick it up.

There was yelling from the remaining men in great furor, and the dogs joined the chorus as they were set upon him. With a weapon in each hand, Bogrel did not mince blows with the animals. The first he killed with a simple swing of the sword once it was within striking distance, and the other with first a dagger parry to keep it at distance, then with a quick downward sword strike that caught its head. The third dog retreated.

The other two henchmen now approached Bogrel with murder in their eyes, and he put the fire between him and the oncomers. They split up coming at him now from both sides. On his sword hand side, which was his right, he used the fire once again by dipping the blade in and flinging ash and coals into the attacker's face. Then her turned to his left, and to the rageful attack of the next man.

Bogrel simply backstepped the first attack, and made sure it would be the only attack, by springing forward and cutting deep into the man's forearm with the dagger, disarming him.

It was this moment that Ronclay entered the melee, wielding a finely crafted bastard sword one-handed. He had come around and attacked from behind, attempting to drive Bogrel into the fire. However Bogrel refused to give ground as he parried the first few blows. Maddened, Ronclay switched to a two-handed style, swinging more carelessly. With a couple of deft parries and sidesteps, Bogrel changed his position so that he was no longer pinned against the fire, and pressed the attack on Ronclay in response with several feints.

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