Chapter 32.4

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The forest was dark and wet; a slight rain had persisted since evening, and the sounds of scattered water drops created a gentle background noise. Alongside this was the sound of the stream, slightly swollen by the rainfall. In the dark, Bogrel followed this stream, listening for the small waterfall that was the landmark for his meeting with Kulmar.

They had arranged their meeting place last they spoke over a month ago, but of course the time had been up in the air. "I'll be at least a day ahead of the force," he had promised of his return. Bogrel was hopeful that he would not lose out on more than one night's sleep attempting to meet.

After about an hour of picking his way alongside the stream, the sound of a small waterfall broke through the backdrop of rain and gentle stream noises. In the darkness, he could only make out the general details of a waterfall among rocks which was only slightly taller ahn he. It didn't seem like there was anyone else there, but he threw caution to the wind to ensure his suspicion.

"Kulmar!" he called out, yet there was no answer. He hunkered down under a tree, one which was keeping nearly all the rain at bay, to wait. He drowsed as the rain and stream and falls lulled hi asleep. The sounds of sticks breaking roused him from his drowsing, after hours of waiting.

Remaining cautious, he also remained silent as he spied the figure that had arrived. Much like himself, the figure wore a hooded cloak, which was all that could be made out in the dark of the night. The figure stopped directly beside the small waterfall, standing still but for some movements of the hood.

"Kulmar," Bogrel blurted. The hooded figure snapped around in response, tense for a moment, before relaxing and approaching.

"Bogrel," he responded, accepting the unspoken invitation to join him under the tree. "By the demon's curse am I glad you are here."

"Likewise. And how are you, on this fine evening."

"Not entirely well. It's been some time since I've killed a man - you know, with my own hands, anyway."

"Been involved in something?"

"You didn't think I could just say 'I'm off to meet with the enemy' did you? We both know how dangerous of a job being a scout can be."

"Well, where do we find ourselves? What has Ronclay brought to re-take the gate?"

"There's about Five hundred men with us. And your side?"

"Less than two hundred. And most are woefully ill-equipped." Kulmar made a face at the news. "I told you it was no army."

"Well, we just need to focus. We don't need to defeat the entire army, just one man. Once he is dealt with, the battle will be over."

"And just how are we going to deal with him? I am risking a lot of people's lives for this."

"Before every battle, Ronclay likes to feed on a 'tribute', who is usually some poor noble from a conquered house."

"Feed?" Inquired Bogrel.

"Yeah, drink their blood, eat their heart, normally. This gives hi strength for the battle. I plan to poison his tribute, and thus poison him."

"So, do we need the battle?"

"Almost certainly. It will weaken him, but it will take more than poison to stop him. I suggest removing his head, and maybe throwing it into the chasm."

"Sounds simple enough, put like that. But you're also saying there's still five hundred men to get through."

"Something like that."

"Is he as defended while he travels? Such as at this time."

"True, he has very few personal guards. But if you try to surprise him, I won't have had the chance to poison him. My best idea has been to goad him into this battle."

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