Chapter 20.2

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The market in Marpport was bustling, and the crowd noise was something that had become a comforting backdrop for Bogrel. The day was warm; the overcast clouds trapped the warm air yet still cast enough light to feel bright and pleasant. He still didn't like talking to people, but as he hid in comfort behind the kiosk, he enjoyed the atmosphere.

But even from his hiding spot, he noticed the change in the market when Matias and his henchmen entered the market. Talk quieted while murmuring increased. It caused him to sit up and look over Dara's shoulder, who manned the counter otherwise alone today, which was not uncommon.

He saw the troup immediately, and watched them for several minutes, but was immediately overcome with the feeling that he was about to have unwelcome company. It was but a moment later when a finger pointed his way, and Bogrel met eyes with Matias for the first time. He had seen many eyes in many men over his life, and immediately he knew that Matias would be a troublesome man to deal with.

Matias strode right over to him, dressed resplendently in Unkarran garb, and produced one of the most insincere smiles that Bogrel had ever beheld. Dara nervously smiled back, and sensing Bogrel beside her, slunk into the background.

"Good afternoon," Matias began, as he looked their fabric wares over with fake interest. "Wonderful crafts you have. Very... foreign. Are they your own craft?" he asked.

"Aye," Bogrel replied succinctly.

Matias took one of the swaths of fabric into his large hands. "Where does such a style come from?" Matias smiled and looked Bogrel in the eyes, his grin spanning the width of his wide jaw. He stood nearly a foot taller than Bogrel, and looked down his nose at him as he stood.

"Aye, a bit far," Bogrel answered.

The larger man took a measured breath, putting the fabric down and looking at Bogrel squarely "I can see that you are not one for pleasantries. I'll cut right to the point. My name is Matias, and I am here in behalf of Felip *so and so from city 2*. Rumour has spread of a family from Geberra, and this rumour has led me to you. Is this true?" He looked between Bogrel and Dara; Dara's blonde hair stuck out so blatantly that the question was barely a question - rather a statement of fact.

"I would be very interested in knowing the way there. My company is very interested in establishing trade, and we would be willing to pay for anyone able to assist. Anyone able to show us the way, could be deserving of a handsome reward."

Bogrel let him finish, and as he watched, the glances Matias gave towards Dara told him she was being read like a book. He kept his own expression blank, and answered flatly, "I'm sorry, I can't help you with that."

The two men studied each other for another minute, judging the resolve of the other by their eyes.

"Surely, a man such as yourself, providing for a family, as I hear, would want to ensure they are provided for," Matias tried in his most coercing tone, learned from Felip himself. "I could make sure you all are left wanting nothing."

But Bogrel didn't react, didn't waver from their eye contact, and answered the same again: "I can't help you."

At this point, the meeting between the two men became more awkward, and filled with tension as false smiles were dropped. The men behind Matias tensed at one point, but Matias called them with a hand gesture, and broke the silence.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that," he said, turning away from their kiosk. "Have a pleasant afternoon," he said in parting.

Bogrel watched the man and his men wander the market until they were out of sight, and even stared after them beyond that. Dara came to his side as he did so.

"That was unusual," said Dara. "Do you think we're going to have trouble from him?" Bogrel remained silent, but this was not an unusual response for him, and she was used to it, and so continued. "I didn't like the look of him. I didn't like the way he looked at me. Where was he from? He looked like he had a lot of money, didn't he." She went on, taking Bogrel's silences as answers.

"He's going to be trouble," Bogrel finally spoke up on his own time. "I think we should stay out of the market for now."

This time it was Dara's turn to remain silent, with worry etched on her face. They would pack up early that afternoon, agreeing not to show themselves again until they were rid of Matias, as they also agreed that they were far from done with him.

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