Chapter 35.4

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An advance group from the Unkarran reinforcements arrived the next day, and spent much of it trying to assess the situation. However, they were only soldiers sent to deliver and gather news, so did little to change the situation that they found. Ezara knew she couldn't stay.

The Unkarrans toiled at the battlefield to bury their dead. In an unsettling truce, so did some of the Geberrans, though burning was their way, and many were left, a testament to the character of their company. Those numbered among the injured and could not be of help were eager to leave Geberra, though not as eager to cross the desert. Many who could manage, crossed the chasm, back to Unkarra. While Rollo helped with the grim task of tending to the dead at the battlefield, Petro was one who prepared his return to Unkarra.

He sought out Ezara in the afternoon, having not spoken to her since all that had happened. She was found outside the Fort, seeking solitude, and perhaps seeking some comfort in the emerging sunlight. He smiled bravely as he greeted her, though pain was etched on his face. He felt the loss of his arm throughout his whole body, but he needed to make the extra effort to seek out Ezara, still unsure of where she was going next.

"I'm real sorry to hear about Dara. I'll miss her." Ezara remained silent, looking away. "I wanted to let you know that I'm going back across tomorrow. They can take some of us that are hurt back home. Do you know when you're going back?"

"I'm not going back. I belong over here."

"Oh," was all Petro could must for a while. "Where are you going to go, over here?"

"I don't know. Nowhere. Everywhere. Maybe I'll find a place to call home, maybe not."

"Well, I'll miss you." Silence ensued.

"I need your help," Ezara said, just as Petro was about to say his goodbyes and turn away. "Dara needs to be put to rest. Like we do in Geberra, with fire."

"Sure," Petro said hesitantly. "But," he raised his maimed arm, but Ezara wasn't looking and continued.

"I want to do it tonight. Then I can go. I can move forward."

"Okay, Ezara, I'll help. I'll do what I can."

The pyre was made a little ways from the Fort, away from the place of her murder, at Ezara's behest. There were more than enough hands to help, and many of the Unkarrans turned out to the funeral, many having been helped by her in some small way, as she was always helping, no matter her position. She had often been there for meals, and her beauty had made her a popular guest in the expedition.

Ezara stood closest, and she was backed closely by her friends, but she stood alone. Bogrel, through great effort and pain, had made his way out, leaning heavily on a spear shaft the whole while. A torch was brought; Rollo taking it in turn handed it to Ezara.

Finally this took Ezara's attention from Dara, but she could not bring herself to take the torch. If she moved at all, she felt she would fall apart.

Bogrel shuffled forward and accepted it instead, and motioned for Rollo's help as well. Together, Bogrel leaning on Rollo, arm over shoulders, they stood illuminated by the torch, next to Ezara.

"We have all lost. Lost friends, brothers, family. Dara had felt this loss early and often, in her life. But she never gave in, even when it must have seemed like she had no one left, she kept up her fight. Though he never held a sword, she fought for others as hard as any. And she died because she put others first. Dara changed my life. She saved me, when I no longer thought it possible. I only wish that I could have saved her." He looked at Ezara, but she saw nothing but Dara.

He lowered the torch into the pyre and backed away. It didn't take long for the flames to engulf Dara's resting body; at some point the golden hair encircling her serene face began to glow with the firelight, until it became obscured with smoke.

When Ezara could not longer see her, she closed her eyes tight, feeling the tears pouring down her cheeks, and fell to her knees, crying out loud, uncaring of who should see.

She stayed there until there was nothing left, and almost no one. Only Bogrel, Rollo, and Petro. The embers were still hot, and she dared not look within. Bogrel gently pulled her away, and to her feet, as he leaned heavily on the staff.

"Let's go back," he said. "We are family. Tonight, nothing else matters."

"Yes, we will always be family, but I'm going now."

"You can still come back home with me, we can find a way."

"No, I need to go my own way. I need time. I need..." She searched for the words.

"I know," Bogrel spared her from the effort. "I just hope that you're not searching for some complicated way to get killed, like I once tried. Here," He produced his sister's - Ezara's mother's - locket from a pouch. "I've been hanging onto it for along while now, but it's time you had it back. Remember what it means. You can do a lot of good, for those that need it. Don't lose sight of that."

Ezara accepted it with a solemn nod, opening it to glance once again at the symbols of the two Suns.

"Be careful," he added.

"You too. And you guys," she went over to Rollo and Petro, exchanging hugs, "thank you for everything."

"Don't wait too long to visit," Rollo said.

Ezara smiled, shouldering her pack that rested over a concealed great house blade that was quite a bit too large for her. She turned and set off on the newly beaten trail that led back into Geberra, away from Unkarra Gate. 

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