Chapter 29.3

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Bernhiller House's great hall had become Ronclay's lounge after the battle had ended. He himself had first burst into the hall what was now two nights prior, wielding his sword, clad in his black Demon armour, all of it covered in blood.

People had gathered in the hall, seeking shelter during the short siege. Lord Bernhiller had been there as well, with his family, comforting the crowd. It had ended quickly and brutally. The protectors of the group found the courage to stand up to him, but were cut to pieces. Admirably, Lord Bernhiller stood before his wife, and even attempted to strike with his sword - a blow that was easily knocked aside before Ronclay run his blade through the Lord's chest, but it was still and admirable gesture. He was disappointed in the taste of the man's blood, immediately casting him aside. Luckily for Ronclay, Lady Bernhiller had been much more enjoyable.

Ronclay's Rampage ended there, as his post battle indulgements had begun. His army had breached the House fortifications by that time, following Ronclay's Breach. They crushed whatever resistance was left, and pillaged and plundered like the conglomerate of mercenaries and bandits they were.

The hall was now cleared of bodies, but the blood still stained the floor and walls. The windows had been covered, so even now, during the day, albeit a hazy, cloudy, dim day, it was dark enough to conceal most of the hall. There were but a few candles giving any light at all, but none were near Ronclay. He sat in the darkened center of the room, on Lord Bernhiller's ornate throne. From here he issued his orders and received his news. He had operated just so for months; soon he would march against the next house and subjugate them - were it not for the news he had long anticipated.

The priest Berdrik accompanied the captain of the mercenaries The Black Blades, Gardrik, an unusual pair, as they scarcely spoke to one another. Gardrik would normally be only concerned with matters to do with a battle, the campaign, or loot. Berdrik ever worked to spread the teachings of the Demon God of old, which included the re-institution of ancient Geberra's practise of sacrifices; once offered up to God itself, they were now offered up before Ronclay.

As the pair approached, Berdrik stepped aside, leaving Gardrik to address the general darkness before him, as he could not make out anything in the room. "News from the Gate at the Chasm, Lord Ronclay. It has come under attack."

This immediately drew Ronclay's ire. "Who would dare rise against me? I have already crushed House Dasben. Are there holdouts among them?"

"Forgive me, my lord, I was not clear. The report says men came from across the desert. It says they took the desert side and drove our forces across the chasm."

There was a clatter as Ronclay reacted angrily.

"It also says there was a Geberran man among the foreign soldiers"

"Is it him?" Ronclay asked, but Gardrik reacted only with a confused look. Berdrik stepped forward.

"My Lord," he began, "I have asked into the eyes of the dead, into the holy spirit of God, and I have seen the truth. It is he, the one on whom you still seek vengeance."

"Then make preparations. We will leave as soon as possible."

"But Lord! We are on the doorstep of North Geberra! To turn back now will allow them to prepare themselves!" protested Gardrik.

"Let them prepare. Let them grow fat. They will be ripe for the slaughter. There's nothing they could do to stop me."

"Of course, my lord" Gardrik said fearfully.

"Tell the other captains I would meet with them. Make it a feast! Bring your drink and wenches. I will award this house and choose who will follow me south. Now go."

"Yes, Lord," he said as he left.

Berdrik took his place before Ronclay.

"Your devotion to God has been rewarded with this boon. Once you have your vengeance against the one who killed your living body, there will be nothing stopping you from bringing all of man under your holy subjugation."

"You know I don't care about this holiness nonsense. Just bring me a sweet young treat. We're to celebrate tonight, both our victories and and our fortunes. A girl with black hair, and not too young. You know my tastes."

"Yes, Lord," Berdrik replied as he made his exit, a smile across his face. 

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