Chapter 28.3

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Ezara snuck into the boys' tent next, finding Rollo, Petro and almost everyone else there.

"There you are," said Flavias, with relief.

"I'm coming with you guys," she blurted immediately.

"No, you're not," replied Flavias, with regret.

"Yes, I am," said Ezara with determination. "And Dara is too." She didn't give any of them a chance. She pleaded with her eyes, breaking them exactly how she broke Dara's resolve. All their words fell flat.

Finally Flavias spoke with acceptance. "Well we need to take the tent down now. And we need to hand off custody of you, and we have to hurry and do that or we'll have to explain where you've been all day, instead of the spot you're supposed to be. I can't figure out how to get around that, but if you can, well how else am I going to stop you? We're leaving right after camp dinner. But also, we're not the only ones heading out tonight - only the first. There's a couple company men coming and a bunch of shipment. So do your best to disguise yourselves. We usually spread out quite a bit after setting out," He added. "I'll take you back, actualy, in case we are too late." He handed the things he had in front of him to the guy next to him and gave a bunch of last minute directions.

As they briskly walked through the camp, Flavias asked Ezara "So what's your plan for getting back with us?"

She held up the sparring stick she still held.

"Damn it Ezara, you're going to get yourself killed."

"How much worse can it get for me; they already want to kill me."

"Well I'm not going to let you fight some brute alone."

"What help will you be? You've never come close to besting me with the sticks."

"But he won't be practising with sticks."

"I'll have him by surprise."

"I could surprise him too."

"You'll get in trouble over way over your head."

"And you won't?"

"I already am, you idiot."

It shut Flavias up all the way to the tent where Ezara was supposed to stay, but the boys rarely actually enforced, ever avoiding being caught for it.

They sat there, at the edge of camp, in the final hours of daylight, in silence, a silence which was eventually broken by the camp dinner bell.

"Oh dang it, I'm missing dinner. The guys better save me some."

"You're the only one? And I don't suppose my new jailer is going to bring me any."

"I'm sorry Ezara," Flavias said, with no followup.

"Just give me half of yours later," she said, dropping the matter.

They waited, and the suns sunk lower, so close to each other now that they set within minutes of each other.

"Figures he'd take his sweet time and leave me with none," Flavias complained.

Ezara sat down beside him, and finally said it. "Thanks for looking out for me. If I don't make it there tonight, don't worry, I'll see you later, okay? At the gate or whatever." She leaned into him.

Flavias wisely remained quiet and just enjoyed the sunset with her.

Finally they caught sight of Flavias' replacement as her custodian.

"Ugh, it's Rufio," Flavias said, who had traded fists with him and his friends on several occasions. Sometimes it seemed like Rufio picked fights for sport. They both stood as he came near.

"Why is she outside?" he yelled right away.

"She's under watch. All that's needed is that she stays put."

"Yeah, sure," Rufio answered. "Well, take off, then. I've got her." He turned his attention to Ezara. "Get in the tent!" he yelled, and laughed to himself a minute later when she began entering the tent.

Flavias did not move; he only stared at Rufio.

Rufio took exception, and brushed away his open front vest to show off the knife on his belt. "Got a problem, kid? I'm not in the mood for problems."

Flavias looked to Ezara, who was one foot into the tent, paused just so she could make sure he had his attention. Just so she could shake her head, and make sure he would leave. Ever so slowly, he turned and left. Rufio yelled at Ezara once more to get in the tent, while he waited for Flavias to be well out of sight.

Inside, Ezara sat by the far wall, watching the entrance, her hand resting at her side.

Rufio entered with a grin. "They been keeping us apart, but I knew you'd be waiting for me. I got a couple weeks of energy built up in me. I hope you're ready to go a few rounds." He rubbed his hands as he approached.

There was one prudent lesson Bogrel had taught her somewhere early on. There was no such thing as fighting fair. When someone was trying to hurt you, there were no tricks off limits. And the trick to throwing dirt in someone's eyes was to catch them by surprise. She waited until he had leaned in right over her, then like a flash threw a handful of fine dirt square into his face.

He cursed and stood up, but Ezara did not afford him any time. She sprung to her feet sparring stick in hand, and jabbed his jugular, even as he was reaching for his knife.

He coughed and bent over again. She kicked his face, and he stood straight, holding his face. She jabbed his groin, and he doubled over with a yelp. She kneed his face, but he stayed doubled over. He opened his arms and blindly rushed forward to grab her, but she deftly side stepped and jabbed him in the ribs.

He stood straight again, cursing a river of insults, as he blinked dirt from his eyes still. She smiled as she threw yet another handful of dirt into his eyes, then kicked with all her might between his legs. Next she swung her stick across his face with all her might, and he fell. She kicked his head a dozen more times as he lay on the ground, until it was evident he was completely unconscious. She spat on him, and gave him one last whack between the legs. She spent one extra minute tying his hands and feet with the leather strap that had once tied her.

She came across the knife on his belt, and took another minute to inspect it. It was decent craft, and well looked-after. She smiled as she took it for herself.

Then she was out of the tent, covering herself with a common dust guard. She stayed out of notice all the way to Dara's tent, where she used the knife to cut a rope on the tent, giving enough slack for Ezara to be able to lift the side and enter.

Dara was startled. "Ezara?" she guessed hopefully.

"Yes, time to go."

"Alright," Dara answered.

"Cover up," Ezara ordered, and Dara wrapped a dust cover cowl about herself, covering her brilliantly blonde hair.

In the dusk they found the gathered crowd at the far edge of the camp, ready to set off across the desert. Vellias stood before the select parties of the expedition. The words weren't clear to her as she approached, but it had something to do with markers, supplies and rations. He carried on especially about water, repeating himself time and time again. They did their best to inconspicuously join the number among their friends.

Ezara left Dara at the rear of the boys' group, next to Rollo, and crept up to Flavias' side nearer the front. His relief at seeing her was palpable.

"Did it go... okay?" he asked.

"For me," Ezara answered.

A minute later the address was wrapping up, and what remained of dusk was quickly disappearing. "Safe travels, may you find your fortune," Vellias concluded.

"Come on," Flavias said, "We're supposed to be up front. Mateo and Figuel have already been to the first two way points and back, delivering water to caches. They know most of the way.

The crowd started moving, and Ezara went back to Dara's side.

"Well, we've put ourselves in it now," said Dara. 

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