Chapter 2

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A loud groan filled the empty kitchen, along with the sizzling sound of the egg being fried

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A loud groan filled the empty kitchen, along with the sizzling sound of the egg being fried. The blonde haired boy stared into the space as he recalled the story that he had just finished reading.

He let out another groan and the sound of the footsteps became louder and quicker. The door slammed open and there stood a charming man who awaited for him in the morning.

"What's wrong, Yoongi?"

Yoongi turned to look at the older man and his shoulders dropped. His lips soon formed into a pout and he began to speak.

"The book."

"Another sad ending?"

"It's horrible, Seokjin hyung. They were such a happy and fluffy couple. All of a sudden, the dude became a bastard who cheated on the girl. Like seriously?! In the end, it became a holy angst book like the twist is too much for me to handle," Yoongi exclaimed.

Seokjin raised his eyebrow. He was not really amused by his reaction. He was rather used to it since Yoongi would always end up being like this whenever he finished reading Jungah's book. And would he ever stop reading her book? Obviously, Yoongi had never once considered it.

"I can't believe the Seoul's richest heartbreaker is behaving like a little heartbroken fangirl because of his favourite author's new book."

Yoongi shot a glare at Seokjin.


Min Yoongi is a man with ethereal looks and pockets loaded with cash. His pale skin and cat like looks just makes him look soft and sharp at the same time. The moment he smirk, it's a killer. He has everything from looks to grades to money. Women of all age swoon over him. Definitely dated severals but never once did he actually engage in love. He would often leave once he lost interest in someone which earned him the title 'heartbreaker'.

However, he never really intended to hurt any of his past 'lovers'. He's trying to learn how to love through romance books and that was how Jungah's book eventually landed in his hands.

Out of all the books he had read, hers was the one that caught his attention. The way she described the characters and how they engaged in a relationship and eventually ended off. He could feel all the emotions through her beautifully written piece. But the only thing he was not satisfied was that it would always have a sad ending. It was as if the author had never experienced the beauty of love.

Not like he had but through other books he had read, he was sure that love was something two people feel when their hearts connect and stick together through thick and thin.

Instead of getting involved in a forced marriage arrangement, he wanted to experience such beautiful emotion and be willing to risk anything for the special lady, whom he had not found yet.

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