Bonus Chapter 01

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~ Favourite ~

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~ Favourite ~

Yoongi was drowning in books and they are not just any genre. They were romance. The amount of novels surrounding were monstrous and everyone in the library would stare at the blonde hair popping out among the books.

Seokjin let out a sigh as he placed the coffee cups on the table.

"Why did you call me this early? You don't even stay in the library for more than a minute when you were doing your assignment."

The moment Yoongi looked up, Seokjin let out a yelp as if he had just seen a ghost and he wasn't at fault. Yoongi was way too pale and the eye bags underneath were way too dark. He looked like a zombie that was about to eat a person up.

Yoongi glanced at the paper cups and took his share. He gulped down the hot coffee within a split second. His brain couldn't even register the harsh sting that his tongue suffered from the heat. Soon, his eyes widened after the caffeine worked the magic.

"Thanks," he finally managed to say and Seokjin rolled his eyes as he took a seat in front of Yoongi's.

He took one of the book with judging eyes and flipped through the pages. He made a disapproving sound as he placed the book back on the top of the stack.

"And what have you been doing instead of working on your class project?"

"Well, that will only take me a few hours and it's not very important for my life," Yoongi replied without looking up from his book.

"Are you trying to say that reading these romantic stories are much more important than your GPA?"

Yoongi licked his lips and nodded his head which caused Seokjin to groan as he gave up on that delusional airhead.

"Anyways, have you found new books for me to read? I've almost finish all of the ones in this library and I plan to go to the bookstore around the corner," Yoongi informed as he picked up another book from the pile that he hadn't finish.

"How many days did you spend here again?"

Yoongi gave it a thought as he adjusted the frame of his glasses that laid on his nose bridge.

"A week?"

"You basically camped out here. Didn't the librarian kick you out?"

"Nope, I gave the lady my number and she passed me the keys for the week. The only downside was that she wouldn't stop texting me and kept on asking me out for a dinner."

Seokjin facepalmed himself mentally and shook his head.

"What was I expecting from you? And I actually thought you would've learnt a thing or two about love from the amount of books that you've been reading."

"This is different. That was not love. I was just simply doing business."

Seokjin let out a sigh of defeat and Yoongi continued reading the book in his hands.

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