Chapter 5

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Hoseok grunted as he entered the passcode with difficulty

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Hoseok grunted as he entered the passcode with difficulty. With Jungah on his back, he kicked the door to open it and went inside her house.

Being friends since childhood, Hoseok knew everything about Jungah as well as the password to her house. He walked up the stairs and went to her room. He placed her on the bed gently and fell back onto the floor with a loud sigh.

Jungah mumbled some incoherent words as she hugged the pillow and rolled to get a comfortable position. Hoseok watched her sleeping innocently and got up.

He took off the hair tie as it seemed to be distracting her from sleeping properly. He combed it slightly and removed the choker. He placed those aside and grabbed the blanket which he covered over her. He tucked her in properly and smiled as he patted her head fondly.

"Sleep tight, princess. Hope you only have sweet dreams," he kissed her forehead and walked out of her room.


Morning came as usual with Jungah falling off the bed due to the constant blaring of the alarm. The difference between the rest of the mornings was that she woke up with a major headache. She instantly knew she was having a hangover due to the drowning of alcohol the previous night.

She didn't remember much of what happened last night or how she ended up back in her own room safely.

She just shrugged everything off and headed to the bathroom to freshen herself up and at least get rid of the smell that would linger for quite some time.

After finishing her business inside the toilet, Jungah slapped her cheeks to keep herself awake. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and drew her lips into a thin line. A ghost was what she looked like.

Pale skin and visible dark eye bags. Messy hair and chapped lips. Red eyes despite the dried tears and loss of colour in her face because of the stress.

She let out a heavy sigh before she started working on her face; hoping to at least liven her look and not appear like a walking zombie.

Once she looked alive again, she changed her clothes and packed her bag as in keeping her precious baby - the laptop.


Jungah was greeted by a delicious smell of french toast and freshly squeezed lemon juice with honey. She headed straight to the kitchen and settled down at the dinning table just across.


Hoseok turned around and gave her a bright smile which almost blinded Jungah.

"You are awake!" he chirped, "I made you some breakfast. Oh and drink the juice. It will cure your hangover."

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