Chapter four

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I ran up to my room and looked at the clock.

4:58..... Shit!! It's almost five?

Everyday, at five o'clock, p.m., you would have sex again. Now... I don't know if I made this clear, but you can have sex through out the day. But you HAD to have sex at least two times a day. 10:00 in the morning and 5:00 in the evening. But other than that, it didn't really matter.

I picked up the phone and called this number, 677*80*542960

The phone rang for a few calls and then someone picked it up. "Yes...?"

"Hey gorgeous! wanna come over...?"

I heard a giggle on the other end, "oh, hey Kevin! yeah I'll be over in a split".

He was here in a matter of minutes. Now... His name is Ryan, and he's my Boyfriend. Yes, i know, to you people it's wired but here... My planet... It's totally normal. So back up and get straight.

Ryan was wearing was a speedo... great! he pulled me into a kiss and I gave in. He is a very sexy guy. I knew that he would always be a great friend..! And a good playmate.

I grabbed his hand and we made our way to my bedroom. We stopped kissing so we could walk the stairs and get into my room. As we got into my room he pushed me on the bed. A little violently...

"What the Hell was that for?!" I yelled.

"Nothing... sorry... I'm stressed. I know I'm normally in a mood for sex anytime but with home looking like shit, I'm not in the grove..."

I made a frown face with puppies eyes, "well... I can make you feel better!" He smiled at me and sat down next to me.

**DONG.... DONG...**

"I think it's time babe!" he whispered in my ear. I blushed and threw my legs over his. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and I did the same. Moments later we were under the covers.

He gave a loud short groan... I did the same thing back to him. There was a knock at my door... Poop.

I left the bed and walked toward the door. I opened it.....

"Oh... My... Fucking... God....."

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