Chapter nine

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It had been two weeks now, life has moved pretty slow. Kevin came back, thank god, and we've caught up. He met this other guy, his name was Robert? Yeah, that's his name. He's a big bitch and is just not a nice guy. But Roberts brother Mark, that's a whole other story.

I heard mark was sweet, calm, pleasurable... The good kind.

Well anyway, today was gonna be wired because today was sex day. Rules, had to have sex with someone you never had before who was living in your house. It lasted for an hour and if someone caught you not having sex, you get sent to jail.

My choices were my brother, Mike, or... Nirvana. In a heart beat I would pick Nirvana but Frank might be a bit over protected of her.

I'm sure he can share, right?

I walked toward franks bedroom door. I was gonna ask him if I can borrow his girl for the day. I knocked and he came to the door, Nirvana sitting on the floor.

"Oh why hello Kevin, what brings you to my bedroom?"

My hands were shaking and since she was right there. I was even more nervous "can I ask you in private?" Frank nodded and stepped out closing the door behind him. We walked down the hall a little and stopped.


My hands were shaking like crazy, "so today is Sex day".

"Yeah? who are you planning on having sex with?"

I closed my eyes and decided to just say it "can I have sex with Nirvana?"

He didn't say anything. I opened my eyes, he was looking at me funny.

"Kevin, Kevin, Kevin... if she's on our plant, same rules apply. I'm totally ok if have sex with her sometimes but ask her before you come up to her naked ok?" Frank told me as he patted my head.

Wow, frank, the Frank N Furter, was being... Nice? Holy shit earth has changed him!

I grinned, "ok. I will. Thanks".

I headed up to my room and started listening to my music. I was in a happy mood. So I listened to that one cheesy song Frank brought to me from earth......

[Verse 1:]

"It might seem crazy what I'm about to say

Sunshine she's here, you can take a break

I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space

With the air, like I don't care baby by the way"


"Because I'm happy

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof

Because I'm happy

Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth

Because I'm happy

Clap along if you know what happiness is to you

Because I'm happy

Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do"

[Verse 2:]

"Here come bad news talking this and that, yeah,

Well, give me all you got, and don't hold it back, yeah,

Well, I should probably warn you I'll be just fine, yeah,

No offense to you, don't waste your time

Here's why"


"Hey, come on"



"Bring me down

Can't nothing bring me down

My level's too high

Bring me down

Can't nothing bring me down

I said" (let me tell you now)

"Bring me down

Can't nothing bring me down

My level's too high

Bring me down

Can't nothing bring me down

I said"

[Chorus 2x]

"Hey, come on"


"Bring me down... can't nothing...

Bring me down... my level's too high...

Bring me down... can't nothing...

Bring me down, I said" (let me tell you now)

[Chorus 2x]

"Come on"

After singing that song I had a headache. How can earthlings listen to this all the time? I lifted up my wrist to look at the time.


I smiled and walked back to Franks room to see if Nirvana was still there. I knocked.

"Hey frank, is she in there?"

"Ah no" he said from in his room "she headed for her bedroom".


I walked to her bedroom and also knocked. She opened the door.

"Hey!" she smiled with her perfect white teeth.

"Hey umm... can I ask you something? it's cool if you don't want to do it!"

"Dude, you haven't even asked me yet, sure. What's up?"

I took a deep breath "Today is Sex day, today at five, everyone HAS to have sex. Rules, someone living in your house at the moment and also someone you've never had sex with..."

"Oh so, that's wired, why are you asking me?"

"Because... I think your really pretty and fun so... Want to have sex... With.......... Me?"

She looked at me wide eyed, she looked confused, wireded out, disgusted, stuff like that.

"Frank says he's cool with it and that if-"

I was totally cut off, he lips hit mine and I felt a spark. It was amazing, my arms wrapped around her waist and her around my neck. I picked her up and her legs wrapped around my stomach. I stumbled to the bed and we fell on it. Our lips moved in sync, it felt so right. Everyone else left my mind. I decided it was time to have sex a little yearly.

I slowly took off her shirt, she ripped mine off. I gentle took her shorts and underwear off. She practically melted mine off. Right before I got on top of her she flipped out.

"I can't do this! I'm dating Frank, I have feelings for him!"

I frowned by what she said I looked at the clock. To late to change, I tales to her saying it's alright after this ask him if he was cool with it. And that it's way to late to change. She agreed with me and we went back to what we were doing. Half way through I was starting to get sleepy. I haven slept in a while.

All the sudden, her nails dogged into the back of my neck, her body pressed up agents mine, her lips smacking mine... I some how got the energy and rolled over. We fell onto the floor and kept going. That was amazing. I guess she was ok with me... And her... And us... Having some god damn great sex.

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