Chapter eleven

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"What?!" Nirvana screamed when we told her the bad news.

"I'm so sorry Nirvana, but Frank has an idea. If we get caught, we get in trouble. It's also dangerous so it's totally your choice and if not. We will bring you back home and you can't speak of this plant" I told her.

"Umm what is it?"

"Well" Frank spoke up "we can change you into us. A Transvestite. Whata say?"

She looked around the room. She looked scared. Also upset. She finally said something after a long silence "ok but how dangerous? will it hurt? what will you do?"

"Nirvana, we will put you on drugs so you won't feel anything. Promise!"

"Ok... How will you do it?" she asked.

~~~sorry. Time skip because it's classified information~~~

"Oh... That sounds wired and very painful!" she finally said.

We were walking up to Franks lab. It was time. I think see was worried, she definitely looked like it. I held her hand to calm her. She smiled. I let go as soon we stepped into Frankie's lab.

"Ok dear, you'll have to sit in the chair, strapped up, and I'll give you your drug" Frank told her in a calm voice.

She nodded and sat down. I helped Frank with the straps and she was ready for the drugs.

"Owwww!!!!!" she yelled.

After the drugs kicked in she fell asleep. Time was ready!

~~~sorry nothing time skip. I'm to lazy to write and it's classified information~~~

I saw Frank stitch her back up. Ugh! nasty jazz!! She was still sleeping from all the drugs. Hopefully she was gonna fully recover.

~~~hours later/that night~~~

I decided to stay with Nirvana while Frank went to work. Don't get me wrong. He really wanted but he had to go. I watched Nirvana fluter her eyes open.

She lifted her head to see if anyone was there. I was. She smiled.

"Hey sleeping beauty, umm so surgery went well. You'll have to rest for the day and then you'll be perfect" I told her.

"Ok... where's Frank?"

"Work. He wanted to stay but couldn't".

"Oh ok"

"Do you feel good?" I asked.

"Kinda, I just feel a little sick. Am I gonna have to get used to this feeling?"

"What feeling?"

She looked up "the urge to have... sex?"

"Ha yeah, don't worry. You'll get used to it".

"Ok. Thank you anyway. I do not want to go home!" she said getting out of the chair.

"Really? why?"

"Because... My parents are abusive and bitches. I hated my life until, I ran into Frank..."

I chuckled to myself.

"What?" She asked snapping back to reality.

"Just how your whole life changed over Frank! in a good way too! that's amazing. I'm glad for you two!"

She giggled. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. It sounded like my father. Shit! It better not be.

It happened to be Frank, home from work early.

"Babe!" he yelled picking her up in the air kissing her check.

"I think I need some sleep. Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked him.


She smiled and walked toward me "thanks Kevin".

I smiled and looked at her take Franks hand and walk out. I was sorta upset that she was with him not me. But happy Frank is finally happy and Nirvana too. It was pretty late so I decided to eat quick and head to bed.

I had a hotdog and headed up stairs. Time to hit the sack. It was a long day...


I woke up to a text from Ryan. He's been sick lately so I was hoping it was good news.

'Hey Kevin, bad news... Call me so we can talk ~Ryan<3'

I dialed his number and let it ring. He picked up.

(K= Kevin and R= Ryan)

K= "Hey Ryan. What did you want to tell me?"

R= "Well there's some terrible news".

K= "what is it?"

R= "I'm... Moving"

K= "what?! Why?? when?! dude! Come on!!! Really where?"

R= "yeah... I'm leaving in a week. And I'm moving because my mum finally found a great paying job somewhere far away. So I have to move with her".

K= "where??"

R= "...........Earth......."

K= "....... Shit really?"

R= "yeah..."

K= "well I have to go. Man that sucks! We WILL talk later".

R= "ok man... Bye".

K= "bye".

I hung up and fell on the floor. No!!

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