Chapter two

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I finally got off my sister and she let out a small giggle. I smiled at her and looked at the clock, lunch time! We put on our clothes and walked down stairs hand in hand. When we passed our parents door, they were just getting out of bed.

I made my self a sexy BLT, and yes, that's what it's called here.

I got a call on the home phone. It read Earth...

Which meant my brothers was calling, I pick up the phone with a hello.

"Why hello brother. Haven't talked to you in ages! I've been wondering if you were dead" he laughed.

"Ummm... why would I be dead?"

"Because you can't stand a day without me. Remember when you were a baby and you were always on my side? well now, that's your answer".

I rolled my eyes, "yeah ok, I remember that but that's only because I had no idea what the world was really like. That's why I cuddled up to you".

I heard him laughing on the other end. I really didn't want to talk to him so I came up with a lie, "whatever... anyway I have to help Megan with something. Is there anything I need to tell mother or father?"

There was a few seconds of silence, "you know what, yes! tell them I'll be coming back for a few days for fathers Birthday. See ya soon little shit".

Just like that, he hung up and I had to tell Mother and father that they missed him and that he will stay... what?! a few days with him back in the castle!?!

Crap! I have to slave for him now. I haven't done that in a few years now. What if he's worse?! well my life is going to suck the next couple days when he's here....

I headed back to my room to change into my heels, fishnets, speedo, and corset. I redid my make up and put on my pearl necklace. The one my brother gave to me when he came back to his plant a few years ago.

I stepped out of my room and ran into my mom who was over joyed that he was coming.

"Is he really coming? Home?!" She yelled.

"Yes mother. He will be arriving home in a few days".

She squealed and gave a giggle. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my green heels.

She clapped her hands together and Im guessing going to tell father the good news. To me... it's hellish news.

I walked down one of our long halls to the main bedroom. The main bedroom is a room... with a kings size bed... for the family to... Yeah. Have sex together.

My littlest brother, Michael, wanted to see me there. I opened the door and he was sitting there looking at me.

'Ugh' I thought.

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