Chapter seventeen

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I dropped to the floor as tears ran down my face. She was gone, gone forever. I stood up and had to tell Frank.

I ran back to his room and knocked angrily. He didn't answer so I opened the door. He was in the middle of sex with Rocky. I ripped the covers off and pulled Frank off of Rocky. I handed him a blanket and pulled him out.

"What the fuck Kevin!" He screamed.

"Nirvana's gone! She just left!" i screamed back.


"She got upset because of you and Rocky and she took a rocket back to earth..." My eyes started to fill up with tears again.

"Really? Oh no... I'm sor-" I cut him off. "Why are you apologizing to me?! You broke her heart Frank! Like you do to everyone!"

My cheeks were heating up.

"Well... I'll go find her" he walked back into his room and came out dressed.

"Kevin, come with me. I'll leave Rocky here".

I nodded and we walked to the lift off area. We stepped in leaving a note we will be back home in a few days for mother and father.

**time skip**

We hit earth and I took a deep breath. id never been on earth and I was already home sick.

"It's ok Kevin, I felt the same way when I first came here. But you'll like it" he smiled.

"Thanks Frankie" I laughed and he hit me lightly on the arm.

"Oh, here are the clothes you'll need to walk around in" he said handing me a shirt, pair of jeans, sneakers, and makeup remover.

I looked at it funny but did as I was told. He did the same thing. We stepped out in the middle of a forest. He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the forest.

Earth was definitely different from Transsexual Transylvania. The trees, animals, clothing, air... Everything!

I smiled as we came out of the woods and saw a lovely little town. We jogged down the hill and walked into the street.

"Follow me" Frank said taking the lead.

I followed close behind making sure I didn't look like I was new to the world. We walked into a store and went in the back.

"Alright, listen closely. This is where Nirvana works, she works here Monday's, Tuesday's, Friday's, and Saturdays. It's now Saturday night so we're gonna sleepover at a hotel. We can't have sex or looks like transvestites. Understand?"

I nodded as he went on.

"Ok, and since you look different without your makeup you'll go up to her when we see her. Ask her you need help finding dog beds and bring her here. I'll be here already waiting and I'll apologize. And have a different voice. And I might do something else... Never mind but you got it?"


"Alright well let's go find a hotel".

We walked down the street a little more to find a motel. We checked in and were given two cards to get into our room. It was a bit crazy for me to take this all in once.

Our room had a two single beds, a mini fridge, flat screen TV, a closet, and a microwave. There were some other stuff but wow it looked nice.

"Dibs!" I yelled as I jumped onto one of the beds.

Frank chuckled as he sat down on his bed taking off his shoes. I grabbed the remote and hit the on button.

"Sweet..." As I flipped through the channels. It was late so Frank went right to bed. I followed soon after and I feel asleep thinking about Nirvana when I see her again.


Oh no! Books almost over D;

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