Chapter eight

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It had been a month since Frank and Nirvana came home. Well, at least it was to Frank.

I hopped down the stares and decided to say good morning to Nirvana. Her door was shut all the way so I knocked.

She came straight to the door, her eyes were a little puffy. Shit...

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Frank! that's who".

She guided me to me into her bedroom and I sat right next to her.

"Ok tell me what's wrong. Did he hurt you?"

She stared at her lap, "well kinda, it has to do with our relationship. I saw him having sex with some other person!"

A light went off in my head, Frank didn't tell her the life of a Transexual.

"Oh, don't cry. Really. It's not your fault or even his" I sounded stupid.

"What the hell do you mean? He's in another relationship!"

"Nirvana... Here on our plant. You can have a sexy life with anyone you please. It's not like earth when you have to have just one. And if you do it's called, cheating? Yeah... well it's kinda the same here as on earth. But we have different rules".

She looked up from her lap pretty quick. She looked alert.

"I'm guessing there are more than just one difference?"

I laughed, "yup, and I think you should know them. If your gonna be here a while".

For the next hour or so, I told everything different from earth to Transexual. She got most of it, she did ask me important questions. Like one was if two people are wearing the same clothes. Don't flirt with either of them.

She stood up and wiped the last of her tears. All her makeup was gone by then but she cleared her eyes just in case and put more on.

"Thank you soooo much for clearing that up. I was really depressed".

I smiled a 'your welcome' and walked out. "Wait" she called.


She walked toward me and gave me a huge hug. I hugged her back. She finally let go and gave me a little kiss on the check.

I closed the door behind me as I walked out. I was really happy. She's really cute and funny. Now yes, I'm Franks younger brother... By two minutes. We are twins, we kinda look the same. But have a different personality.

I wondered the castle in a faze.

I looked at my phone and saw a text from Rayn.

I read the text out loud.

"Hey Kevin, I've heard there's a new girl living in your house. Franks GF. Good luck!! Haha I'll be home in a week. I miss you, love ya"

I nodded to my self, I miss him too. I really hope a week goes by fast.


I hope you guys liked this chapter!! Now I'm not that smart, the name Nirvana didn't just come to me. I got the name from my best Wattpad friend!! You should follow her! She's amazing and just a great friend.

Plez follow @MyChemicalJoker



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