Chapter 20

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After a wonderful time in bed, we decided to pack. We didn't have to pack a lot, just close and a few important things. We were using Nirvanas car to put our stuff in.

I threw all our stuff in the back seat and started to drive to her parents house.

"You ok doing this alone?" I asked.

"Yeah... Plus your all dressed up and I don't think my daddy will like you very much" she said with a shy smile.

"Do you know what to say?"

We pulled up into the driveway.

"No" she got out of the car and walked into the house. I took a deep breathe and relaxed. We were going home, together.

I stepped out of the car, I need a cigarette. I lit it and put my back on the car. I got a tap on my shoulder. I spun around to see Frank....

"F-Frank?" I asked staring at him blankly.

"Yes Kevin, it is I. And I would like my bride to be back" he said trying to stay calm.

"Look Frank, she doesn't want to be with you anymore. She's happy with someone else".

"Either she's coming back nicely... or my way".

"Thanks mom, I'll text you when I get there" I heard Nirvana yell as she walked out.

"Go!" I yelled catching Nirvanas attention.

"What's wrong honey..." She was looking into the eyes of Frank.

"Hey baby" he said in a sexy tone.

"Bitch please, I'm happy with Kevin so leave! Get off my parents property!" She yelled getting angry fast.

"Are you gonna call the police sugar?"

"Stop calling me nice things!"

A vain was popping out of her forehead. I chuckled inside a little.

"Come on... Let's go Kevin. Before I rip his head off" she said pulling my back to the car.

"Oh Nirvana before you go.." Frank yelled to her.


"Say you love me" he said and sunk a large needle into her shoulder.

"AHHHHH!!!!! Bitch!" She fell on the ground crying.

"Nirvana!! Why would you do this?!" I started to cry.

"because now she's mine... Forever. Even if I abuse her" he chuckled.

She started to stand up and walked over to Frank. He put his arm around her and a flame lit inside me.

"Get your hand off her!" My cheeks were heating up and tears were going down my face.

He grinned and picked her up bridal style. Then kissed her roughly. I was so mad, more than mad. I was a time bomb ready to explode.

"What did you do to her?"

"I made her so she'd love me forever. Even if I hit, punch, or slap her. She will love me".

"I can get her back!"

"No you can't, I can even give you two alone time and she won't even blush for you".

My heart dropped, she was out of my life. Frank put her down and he said he needed some coffee. He told her to stay and not move away from this driveway. As soon as he left, I broke down in tears.

"Nirvana... I love you... Please love me too... I... I can't live without you..."

I finally got the guts and looked into her eyes. They were cold and lifeless. I'm going to do the only thing I know I could do to save her. Frank must think he's so smart.

"Nirvana" my knee was shaking. I was nearly pissing myself, "I love you". I walked closer and kissed her on the lips.

Her lips were so cold ageists my lips. I wrapped my arms around her, her whole body was stiff.

I pulled away to hopefully see a change... but didn't. I cried harder. I picked her up bridal style and looked at her. No longer a human with feelings.

"Who are you?" She asked in a plan voice. She didn't have her warm bubbly voice.

"My name is Kevin, and yours in Nirvana".

"Why do you hold me like this? Only master does".

"Because I love you... I love you more than him".

She looked up to me and a single tear went down her face.

"I... l-l-"

"Y-yeah?" I was trying not to totally break down.

"I love you!" Her body relaxed and her lips met mine. They were soft and warm.

I pulled away quick only to say "I love you-". And back to kissing. We released that Frank could be back any second so we jumped in the car and drove back to the woods.

We rushed to the rocket ship and threw our stuff in. She hopped in and I was right after her. The door closed and I hit 'home'.

~time skip to home planet because I'm too lazy right now~

We landing back on Transexual, Transylvania's and everything was perfect. No loud cars going by, people dressed like Transvestites, everyone was nicer here too. I took Nirvanas hand and we walked into the castle. We were let through because I was a prince. Well one of them.

"Mother? Father?" I called out.

"Oh honey! We missed you so much. Where's Frank?" My mother called back to me. She ran down the stairs and gave me and Nirvana a hug.

"Hello to you too pumpkin" she smiled talking about Nirvana.

"Well he's still at earth" she said.

"Oh... Well what can I do for you two?"

"May we live in Belgien? Can you give us a giant house?" I asked getting down on my knees.

"Kevin stand up! And why not, are you two together now?" Mother asked.

Nirvana blushed and showed her the ring I have her. Mother screamed joyfully and gave Nirvana another hug.

"She's a keeper" she grinned looking up to me. I nodded and we packed all our stuff together.

^^a few years later^^

Life was going really well, Frank came to our wedding and apologize. Our house was pretty big and we got a dog last year. I let Nirvana name her Rachel.

Today was our 5 year anniversary and I got her a necklace with her name written in scripted. Then out to dinner.

I knocked on the bathroom door.


"Kevin!" She cheered from the other side. She opened the door with a smile on her face.

"What is it?" I asked hiding the present.

"I'm... Pregnant!!"


Well this book is officially over. Yay!!! I've worked on his book really hard and I'm glad so many of you have read this. Nirvana and Kevin are happy together and Frank went back to earth. Frank really enjoyed being down at earth. He's met some people... Haha

Love you guys!!!!!!


Don't ever forget to... DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!!!!

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