If any of you are ever thinking of going to a school that labels itself as "Christian," don't EVER go. The students are hypocritical assholes, who will always be vying to be the "better Christian," and the teachers will only ever favour the kids who believe in what they believe, and will never listen to anyone else's side of the conversation. Even if you try to have a calm, collected discussion about what you believe, they will instantly shut you down. And GOD FORBID you try to refute what they say, even when you KNOW, what they are saying, and what the Bible says are two different things. You should burn in hell in their minds. If you are even a LITTLE different from every other robot student there, you are an outcast. The students you thought would always stand by you, leave because they don't want to be associated with the bad kid. They don't want to be known as the bad kid as well "because then I'll be thought of as the same as you." That was actually said to me, as if being open minded, and willing to hear someone else's side of the story was a deadly infection that was easily caught. Why?! Why is being OK with people who don't believe EXACTLY what you do a bad thing? How is trying to be loving to EVERYBODY so wrong? I don't want people to hate the idea of Christians, is that really a bad thing? Being proud of who you are, and what you believe isn't wrong, and messing with someone's whole high school experience, just because you didn't like them, is petty, and childish.
And making somebody want to kill themselves because every time they are around you, they felt worse than the dirt beneath your shoe is just plain wrong. I hope you truly do understand one day, what you did to me, and I hope, somewhere deep down in your tar-black hearts, you weep.
Midnight Ramblings
RandomJust going to write whatever is my mind at night, or day, or whenever.