Chapter Two

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Your parents had you flown to the Star Killer Base two days after they got their payment. The Knights of Ren had came back to your house, but this time there were four of them. You had packed your bags the night before, packing only your favorite articles of clothing as well as a photo of your mother and father on their wedding day, a reminder of what you were fighting to conquer while you were married and so far away from them. You weren't really a materialistic person, you weren't packing any of the small trinkets or toys you had collected over the years, they could throw all of those away if they wanted to.

You waited outside on your patio with your mother, clutching your suitcase between your legs as you sadly waited for the Knights to come and take you away from everything you had known. It was nerve-wracking, your mother wasn't saying anything to you and, likewise, you weren't saying anything to her either. You just sat there silently feeling betrayed, feeling like livestock being sold to a butcher by your own parents. The parents who made you, the mother who birthed you. They raised you and raised you for this one, single purpose, and that was to make them as much money as they could get off of you.

As you saw the ship beginning to touch down, bringing various buildings and other structures on your home planet down with it, the prospect became that much more real. Your mother became very excited, her grin nearly splitting her face open as she pulled your hand toward the large ship. "There they are, they're finally here for you!" She said, without even bothering to look at you. You kept your tears at bay, crying would not get you out of the situation and would only make you appear even weaker than you were.

"Mom?" You finally spoke up, pulling your free hand from her grasp. She turned her head toward you, you could just barely see her eyes and it was obvious she wasn't interested in what you had to say. All she wanted was for you to get on the big black ship as fast as you could with no questions asked. You had one question, one burning question you had always wanted to ask both of your parents, now more than ever since you assumed that you'd never see them again.

"Did you ever, truly love me?"

You let your words sink into her, she looked back at you with wide eyes, as if you just found out her big secret that she had been hiding from you for the last 18 years. Although she didn't answer you, the look on her face told you everything. You and your family were lower middle-class citizens, they more than likely had heard about the marriage trade and had bred you just to make a profit. You were never anything more than a paycheck to them, even before you were born they had decided to sell you.

You shook your head as s your head as she looked away from you, once again her attention trained on the tall, bug-like ship that was now dropping its hatch, revealing the same four men that interviewed you and your parents standing and waiting there for you. "Oh goodie, you're not going with strangers." Your mother said, turning and smiling at you, you wished so badly you could wipe that grin off of her face. Just because you met these people before doesn't mean they're not strangers to you.

"Everything put in place?" One of the men asked as you and your mother met them at the base of the ramp. "Yes sir!" Your mother said, pushing you forward. "She had her suitcase packed and she's ready to spend the rest of her life with her husband!"

"Excellent." The man said, reaching into his coat pocket and producing a pen and a stack of papers. "I'll need you to sign here at the bottom, relinquishing your rights as her owner over to us, these documents will be voided once she signs her marriage certificate and she will be a free woman." Without any hesitation your mother snatched the items out of his hand and placed her signature boldly and quickly on the line he had pointed to.

As soon as she handed them back your suitcase was plucked from your hands by another Knight. "She won't be needing any of this," The man said, throwing your suitcase off of the ramp. "Hey, no!" You protested, a weak attempt was made to save your suitcase in midair was made that only left you nearly tumbling down the ramp and onto your face. "Our people have gathered up enough clothes and toiletries for her, she can leave these rags here."

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