Chapter Seven

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You stood around the pond with your foot in your hand, stretching out your leg behind you. Your three "students" (four if you counted Kylo) were late today, it was already ten minutes after the time they normally showed up. You worried, they weren't always punctual but they had never been more than a few minutes late. Should you start without them? Should you stay for the regular time and do yoga by yourself? It was a tough decision, but you didn't want them to think you had abandoned them if they showed up. You had decided to give them another ten minutes, if they still didn't show then it would probably be best to go back home. Truth be told you had been coming down with a cold, you had thought about trekking down to the pond room and canceling your class but didn't want to be selfish. But now, as your nose begun to run and your body shivered with the chills, you decided it wasn't worth the wait. You weren't sure what happened to storm troopers who got sick, but you were sure they wouldn't get any time off. You fell from your pose, shamefully wiping your nose on the back of your sleeve and moving toward the door. You were sure your students wouldn't mind and you would be sure to come back at normal time the next day after you rested up today.

Sluggishly you made your way through the halls, taking it one step at a time. Not only did you have the chills but the body aches had begun to rack your body the further away from the pond room you went. You hated colds, although they didn't plague you very often when they did they hit you hard. Your eyes were drooping and watery, the rest of this week would sure suck.

You walked into your quarters, Kylo always kept your home cold and the cold air stung your sore nostrils. You shivered once again, wrapping your hands around yourself. You wanted to shower. A shower would warm you up and start the healing process. Then you could come back down stairs and make yourself some chicken soup. You slowly climbed the stairs, reminding yourself of the recipe and how to make chicken soup. You needed chicken, carrots, water obviously...

Half way up the stairs your heard something odd. It sounded like a slap, a harsh and loud sounding slap coming from your bedroom. A slap against some flesh, Kylo was home from work early today. But what the hell was he doing slapping himself around? Your eyebrows furrowed, this was odd.

You continued to ascend the stairs, all too curious as to what your husband was doing in your room. Maybe he was doing yoga in some strange position and harmed himself, a near silent grunt coming from the bedroom suggested that's what was going on. But even that seemed strange, however, because Kylo had never overexerted himself when he did yoga with you, you had never heard him make noise during your shared yoga sessions before.

Nevertheless you continued your way to the top of the steps where grunts form your husband became louder, mixing with sounds from him that could be considered moans and some dubious wet and fleshy noises. It should have been obvious to you what was going on behind the door from the noises alone, but of course your judgment was clouded with your illness. Also, you were under the impression Ren didn't talk to anyone else in the Order, or at least not in this way.

You reached the top of the stairs and didn't have to move any further to see what was going on inside of your own bedroom. The first thing you saw was a nude man with bright red hair, he was sitting on his knees on the bed facing away from you. He sat between the naked knees of someone else, you watched as he brought his hand up and it came down loudly and forcefully onto that same person's ass. It didn't take much imagination to know who was being spanked, but either way your jaw fell to the floor when the redhead bent at his hips and revealed a full head of thick black hair at the head of the bed. Kylo. It was your husband Kylo. Your husband was currently seated on his hands and knees with the man, Armitage Hux from across the hall, at his backside while the both of them were stark naked.

The shock hit you like a blow to the chest, and after you got over the fact that you were watching your husband get intimate with another man you realized why Hux had leaned down. His face was now buried between your husband's butt cheeks, the noises you heard while you were coming up the stairs were the start of your husband getting his ass eaten.

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