Chapter Five

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"Oh please, Ren. Don't tell me you're becoming attached to the woman now." Hux asked, unable to hide the dread in his voice. The pair of men sat in Kylo's lounge sipping on a strange wine that Kylo had imported, Louis the 13th. Kylo was currently rolling his eyes at Hux, regretting his decision to tell him about the recent interactions with his wife. Today marked one year Kylo had been married and he didn't start to warm up to the woman until now. She cooked for him, brought interesting books and texts back for him to read, and had become a welcomed distraction for Kylo. He was too ashamed to admit it to her, but he had sometimes used her as an excuse to come home from work early, saying things to his colleagues such as his wife was ill and he needed to take care of her. He'd come home to find her safe and sound of course, working on a simple dinner or reading or just lounging around the house. Kylo was far too shy to say much of anything important to her after she made him breakfast, he'd simply just disappear into the background and observe her through whatever he was doing for the rest of the day.

"I wouldn't say that." He lied, swishing the amber liquid around in his glass and enjoying the soft noises of his wife's shower coming through the wall. "When you live with someone for an entire year, you tend to grow closer to them. Even if it's just a centimeter closer." Hux laughed at him, setting his near empty glass down on the table. "So you poured her a glass of wine and pulled her seat out for her last night, that's only getting a centimeter closer to her?" Hux was referring to the previous night that Kylo had described to him: Kylo had decided to treat his wife for no reason at all other than they were 'celebrating' their one year anniversary. He ordered the most expensive food off of the First Order menu system and the most delicious wine for the two of them. Even though they ate in near silence he still enjoyed her company.

"It was my one year anniversary, Hux. I felt like doing something special for myself."

"And her. " Hux spat out her title as if it was poison on his tongue, Kylo could sense his unreasonable jealousy from across the table. "She's my wife, Hux. I am not sure what you're expecting of me." Hux stood up, flexing his hands into fists repeatedly as his normally pale skin started to flush red with anger. "I thought you told me you weren't going to take this wedding thing seriously? That nothing would come in between--"

"Stop it, Hux." Kylo stood just as Hux did, walking right up to him and standing near chest to chest with him. "Don't come into my house and act as if you have no manners. I made a promise and I intend to keep it, you don't have to worry about that." Kylo said to him, not meaning for the sentence to come out so harshly. He knew Hux could take it, though, he had spoken much more angrily to Hux in the past. The two men were deep into their stare off when the shower in the other room cut off, leaving an eerie silence in its wake.

"She's finished, you may see yourself out." Kylo said, turning toward the door and stepping toward it. He had turned just in time to see Hux look down at the floor and shake his head disappointingly. Kylo was beginning to regret inviting Hux over to his home during his wife's unusually long evening showers. She had told him once that she very rarely had hot water for longer than ten minutes back on her home planet, which is why she took hour long showers every evening after he got home.

He watched Hux leave from the top of the stairs, and when he had finally seen the door shut behind him he let go of a breath, finally relaxing knowing the only people in his home where his wife and himself. He wasn't sure what to do for the rest of the evening other than retire to his room, but he knew that his wife usually changed in there after her showers. The best thing for him to do was to just sit in the lounge and wait for her to finish, then he could go to sleep.

Walking past the bathroom, however, he had to stop. Stop and listen to his wife who was singing a sweet tune that he had never heard before:

"...only fools rush in.

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