Chapter 6

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By far Kylo Ren’s favorite time of the day had become when his wife slinked out of bed as quietly as she could to do yoga in front of the bed. The first morning she had spent stretching in his room followed the first night she had spent in his bed. Kylo was a light sleeper, and his sleep that night was especially fragmented due to the fact that he had to sleep so still to stop from getting too close to her. He felt the bed move that morning and the first thing he did was open his eyes and follow her from her side to the bed to the front where she dropped to one knee, put her arms into the air, and stretched her other leg behind her.

Kylo had never seen such a thing, had never taken the time to stretch his body out like she was presently doing in front of him. He wanted so badly to sit up and ask what she was doing, but he thought better of it. His wife was enjoying herself, he thought she wouldn’t want to be bothered with his questions on a topic she already knew so much about. He decided he’d be content with watching silently until she had hopped back up and, still facing away from him, stretched out her neck just a bit and happily pranced out of the room. As he heard her footsteps dance down, Kylo couldn’t repress his smile.

His wife was so mysterious. They had cohabitated with her for over a year, spent one night in bed sleeping peacefully next to her, and yet Kylo knew next to nothing about her. She seemed so innocent and so lovely, he just wished he could get to know her better. What makes her tick, what her favorite thing to do was, what she wanted to do in life, how many children she wanted, and what her past was really like. He sighed as he sat up, stretching out his neck just as she had no more than five minutes ago. He wanted to grow closer to his wife, the woman he would spend the rest of his life with, but always grew upset and agitated when Hux would pester him about it.

He didn’t actually grow the courage to ask her about her routine morning stretches until a week into their agreement to share the same bed. She was standing in front of the bed facing away from him, her hands open and palms touching far above her head while the sole of her right foot rested on the side of her left knee. He had seen her do this pose one or two times before, it was one of his favorites. He had decided he couldn’t wait any longer, he had to know what she was doing every morning.

He whispered her name, not wanting to startle her and cause her to fall and harm herself. Her breathing or stance never changed, she was so focused on what she was doing that Kylo worried momentarily that she hadn’t heard him. He opened his mouth to grab her attention once more, but as always she surprised him.

“Yes, Kylo?” She said, still not moving one centimeter. Kylo wondered if he should continue with his question, his wife was obviously in her zone just like she had been every other morning and he felt bad for disturbing her. “I had a question for you, but never mind you look busy.” He said, putting his arms above his head and trying to get comfortable back in bed

“Go ahead, I’m not busy.” She said cheerfully, as she did she fell out of her position and turned to face Kylo. She had a warm and welcoming smile on her face, Kylo sat straight up in bed as he admired her. He had always thought her smiles were extraordinarily gorgeous, and he had only been seeing her smile for the past few months of their marriage.

“What is all of this called?”

“What is what called?” She asked back. “This…” He wasn’t sure how to proceed, he still had no idea what she was doing and didn’t know how to accurately describe her movements. “This, that you do every morning in front of the bed. What is it called?” He ended up just waving his hands in front of him in a weak and comical attempt to make her realize he was talking about her morning routine. She chuckled, but Kylo felt far worse when her face became quite red and her mouth fell open. “I’m sorry, did I-do I wake you every day? I can do it downstairs I can-”

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