Chapter 3

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For two weeks you sat in that small room alone. You wondered if you'd have a different living situation if you had complied with them from the jump or if they'd still be stashing you here. There was a small clock on the wall opposite of your bed, but no other indication of this planets date system. You had assumed they used the same 24 hour cycle as your planet, and every day at 2 pm you marked one X on the wall behind your bed with a fork you had kept from your dinner on your first night. Once you reached 14 X's then you knew it would be your wedding day, the day you'd finally get to meet your husband, Kylo Ren.

You tried to keep as active as you could in that small room, you figured sitting around and moping would do you no good at all. You were going into this forced agreement with the most positive outlook that you could, you had to keep your head up to prove to your parents that you were a survivor and you could handle even the worst curveball that they threw at you.

In the morning you normally woke up sometime between 9 AM and noon, it depended on what time they brought you your breakfast. The storm troopers would march in with your tray and set it on the counter, the first few days you begged them to let you out, to at least tell you have a walk and get some fresh air. But they never spoke a word to you, each time they came for your meals they said nothing.

You'd have a stretch and you'd jog in place after breakfast, after lunch you'd do some sit ups, then after dinner you'd meditate and try some yoga techniques you learned in school. It was the best thing you could do to try and calm yourself before spending a restless night in your uncomfortably small room in your uncomfortably small bed. As the X's drew closer and closer to the empty box you would put the 14th X in when the day came you found yourself unable to sleep. By the 12th day you had almost grown attached to your small little safe haven, Kylo Ren hadn't come inside to confront you and at the very least you were kept alive in here. On the 13th day you only got up out of bed to retrieve your meals, then you'd slink back in bed under to eat and then throw the covers back over you, after dinner you were unable to add the last X to the empty box that would make two weeks since the day you were brought here.


Kylo woke up to a knock on his door, his datapad beeping over and over as well as vibrating to let him know he was getting a holocall. He groaned, feeling his headache from his hangover starting to set in already. Today was his wedding day, and he had spent the entire previous night drinking and moping. He hated that he was having to get married against his will, he didn't even know this woman or what she would be like once she had to share a home with her. He snarled, rejecting the call from the officer who was no doubt calling to make sure he let the wedding assistant in on time at 9 AM. Wiping the sleep and attempting to rub the hangover away he looked at the clock on his tablet: 10:43 AM. He rolled his eyes, this was so stupid.

Since he knew his future wife was unwilling to marry him, afraid of him and the First Order, he thought about having the ceremony and then sending her off to her own quarters somewhere else or even to another planet. But the purpose of this sham that Snoke was calling a "marriage" was to create an heir, Snoke would not allow the girl to be kept anywhere other than in Kylo's living space. His data pad rang again, further sending Kylo into an uninterested and pained state of mind. He sat up and reached for his datapad, he might as well answer it as they would not stop bothering him until he did.

"What is it?" He said cruely, hoping the officer on the other end would get the idea that he didn't want to be bothered and just leave him alone. "Good, er...good morning Commander Ren!" They said, feigning cheer. Kylo scowled, rubbing his entire hand across his forehead, he didn't have the patience for this. "Get on with what you have to say, officer."

"Yes sir!" They said loudly, he could almost see them jumping on the other end. "Um, I was just calling to check in, sir. Today is your wedding day and the wedding planner should be outside of your door now." There was silence for a moment before his quarters was once again filled with knocking. Kylo shook his head, irritated completely now with everyone and everything around him. "I'll take care of it." Kylo said, hanging up on the officer without another word. With a huff he finally got out of bed, moving to the bathroom to retrieve some pain medication, if he was going to be forced to go through with this ceremony then he could at least go through it without a headache.

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