Chapter Ten

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Kylo had dragged you all the way back to your shared quarters, his hand over your mouth stifled your distressed and furious cries for help. You had to force your feet to move along with Kylo, you had once sagged in his arms to try and anchor yourself to the floor, to get him to let you go and just leave you alone. But of course it was a failure, the only thing he did in response to your small act of defiance was to tighten his grip on your head; You’d rather make it to your home alive and well than have him break your neck and drag your corpse home instead.

When Kylo had finally dragged you through the front door of your home the both of you flew into a rage.It started out as him just asking you what happened and why you felt the need to treat him so poorly, but you refused to answer him. All you could think about was what a hypocrite Kylo was for getting on your ass about cheating on him. That entire year you had sat in his quarters like the good little housewife you were, you sat there and cooked for him, taught him yoga, gathered up the laundry, dishes, and trash for the housekeeping droids, and, most detrimental of all, you thought you were beginning to love him. Although you didn’t realize it until you caught the two men together, you loved him enough to sacrifice your own sex life for him. He didn’t care when you left the house in the beginning and it would have been so easy for you to find someone to fuck; But no, you saved yourself for him.

And the worst part was it seemed like he was doing the same for you too, how he spent time with you and how he allowed you to sleep in his bed. But the second you saw into your own bedroom, the second you saw Hux sitting in between Kylo’s knees, you knew it was all an act. Kylo didn’t love you and he didn’t want you, so what was the point of keeping yourself for him anymore?

Like a child you put your hands over your ears and turned to walk away from him, everything after that was a blur.

Kylo put his hands on you. He grasped your elbow and pulled you back to him, similarly to how he did with your shoulder in the halls, only you flew much farther than right in front of him. You flew past his rigid body and fell to the floor, holding your hands out in front of you to break your fall. Kylo was making rageful noises as he pushed you to the ground, and when you flipped yourself over you called him a bastard.

There was screaming, insults flying left and right as you made your way to your feet and began stepping away from him again.

“You’re so ungrateful!”

“I wish you’d fucking die!”

“I did everything I could for you!”

“I hate you!”

You were so indignant and irate, so annoyed and so enraged that you found you couldn’t control yourself. You looked behind you and grabbed the first thing you found on the coffee table, a half full glass of water, and chucked it at him. He jumped out of trajectory of the glass but still got covered in the water, you couldn’t stop the proud ass grin on your face as you watched him try to wipe his face dry with his hands. He looked angrier than ever, his face red and shiny with the water as well as the sweat that he had worked up yelling at you. He called you a bitch and, with that, the yelling match started once more.

“You aren’t even fit to be my wife!”

“No one would ever willingly marry you anyway!”

“You’re a whore, an immoral little slut!”

At this point you began to cry angry, sullen tears. You didn’t know how you became this angry, it had been such a long time since you had become this enraged. Kylo wasn’t even as angry as you were, you were willing to bring harm to him while he was only willing to yell at you. As the two of you spit verbal fire at each other you found yourself standing next to a clear glass vase; you had known this item existed in your home on top of a small, decorative table, but it tended to blend in with the background and you never gave it much thought. However, today it would come in handy.

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