Professor Ratigan

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In the sewers, we see a prison cell. Inside is a mechanical robot pouring tea in a cup. We see Hiram at a podium, controlling the robot. Smoke is spewed on his face by Ratigan, who was next to him. He chuckles evilly. "Quite an ingenious scheme, eh, Flaversham? And aren't you proud to be a part of it?" Flaversham doesn't look so pleased about the whole thing. "This whole thing... I-I-it's monstrous!" Hiram said while making the robot pour a spoon full of sugar into the teacup and stirring it. "We will have our device ready by tomorrow evening, won't we? You know what will happen if you... fail?" Ratigan said while holding a little bell. Hiram became angry instead of becoming scared. "I-I-I don't care!" He jerked on the controls, making the robot pour the tea on itself and throwing the teapot at Ratigan. Ratigan ducked in time. The robot was out of control until it broke down and stopped. It squirted out oil onto Ratigan's cape.

"You can do what you want with me. I won't be a part of this... this... this evil any longer!" Hiram said to Ratigan. "Mmm..." He was biting off his anger but returned normal. "Very well. If that is your decision. Oh, uh, by the way, I'm taking the liberty of having your daughter brought here." Ratigan said while winding up a toy. "O-Olivia?" Hiram asked worried. Ratigan sets down the toy and it turned from a flower to a ballerina, dancing across the table. "Yes. Hm-hm, Yes. I would spend many a sleepless night if anything unfortunate were to befall her." Ratigan says in a mocking tone. "You... you wouldn't!?" Ratigan picks up the toy and places it in the palm of his hand. Then, he squeezes it until the head comes off. Ratigan looks at it with mocking sorrow before looking at Hiram and yelling, "FINISH IT FLAVERSHAM!" Hiram does what he's told with a heavy heart.

Outside the cell, Ratigan was humming to himself while writing a list. "Oh, I love it when I'm nasty." Ratigan looks above the doorway to another barrel where the bat, Fidget, is hanging upside down, sleeping. "Fidget?" Ratigan called but no response was given. "FIDGET!" Startled, Fidget falls and rolls down the stairs to Ratigan's feet. "Bright and alert as always. Here's the list. You know what to do, and no mistakes!" Ratigan says while giving Fidget the list. Fidget looks at the list. "No, no. No mistakes, sir. Tools, gears, girl, uniforms..." Ratigan was getting impatient. "NOW, Fidget!" Ratigan tells. "I'm going, I'm going! I'm going!" Fidget rushes over to a drain gate, lifts it up and disappears.

Ratigan enters the barrel, where he approaches his throne surrounded by his men, who were cheering for him. He sits down on his throne and holds out a cigarette. Many of his men offer a lit match. Ratigan lights the cigarette, inhales, and exhales several smoke rings. "My friends, we are about to embark on the most odious, the most evil, the most diabolical scheme of my illustrious career. A crime to top all crimes... a crime that will live in infamy!" All of his men cheered except for one, who's attention was on his empty mug. Ratigan holds up the newspaper, showing a picture of the queen on the front page. "Tomorrow evening, our beloved monarch celebrates her Diamond Jubilee. And... with the enthusiastic help of our good friend, Mr. Flaversham... it promises to be a night she will never forget!" Ratigan shoves the lit part of the cigarette into the picture, causing it to burn. His men gasped while Ratigan giggled. "Her last night... and my first, as supreme ruler of all mousedom!" His thugs cheer for him while he saunters down the red carpet and an evil tune plays.

From the brain that brought you the Big Ben Caper

The head that made headlines in every newspaper

And wondrous things like the Tower Bridge Job

That cunning display that made Londoners sob

Now comes the real tour de force

Tricky and wicked, of course

My earlier crimes were fine for their kind

But now that I'm at it again...

An even grimmer plot has been simmering

I my great criminal brain

Even meaner, you mean it

Worse than the weirdos and orphans you drowned

You're the best of the worse around

Oh Ratigan, oh Ratigan

The rest fall behind

To Ratigan, to Ratigan

The world's greatest criminal mind

Ratigan was now playing the harp as the lights turned blue. "Thank you. Thank you. But hasn't all been champagne and caviar. I've had my fair share of adversity. Thanks to that miserable second-rate detective, Basil of Baker Street." The thugs boo heavily. "For years, that insufferable pipsqueak has interfered with my plans. I haven't had a moments peace of mine." The thugs awed while Bartholomew cried. "But all that's in the past. This time, nothing, not even Basil can stop me! All will bow before me!"

Oh Ratigan, oh Ratigan

Your tops and that's that

To Ratigan, to Ratigan

To Ratigan, the world's greatest rat

Ratigan spits out his wine while the others gasped in terror as Ratigan spins around and looks at Bartholomew with an angry expression. "What... was... that!?" Bartholomew hiccups innocently. "What did you call me!?" Bartholomew was about to speak until he was cut off by the other thugs. "Oh, oh, he didn't mean it, Professor." One thug said. "I-it was just the slip of the tongue." Another thug said. Ratigan picked up Bartholomew by his sweater. "I am NOT A RAT!" Ratigan yelled. "Course your not. Your a mouse!"
"Yeah, that's right! Right! A mouse!"
"Yeah, a big mouse!"
"SILENCE!" Ratigan ordered. Ratigan threw Bartholomew outside. He rolls and shakes his head as he sits up. "Oh, my dear Bartholomew... I'm afraid you've gone and upset me." Ratigan pulls out the bell from earlier. "You know what happens when someone upsets me..." Ratigan rings the bell. All of the thugs gasped in fear as a giant cat was creeping up to Bartholomew. He didn't notice the cat. He was singing drunkenly. The cat picked up Bartholomew, who was still singing. The thugs watched in horror as the cat swallowed Bartholomew, ending his life. The thugs looked sadly at the sight. They took off their hats while they cried. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Oh, Felicia, my precious, my baby. Did daddy's little honey bun enjoy her tasty treat?" Ratigan says in a fatherly way. Felicia burps in response. Ratigan looks a little dismayed but recovers and struts back towards his men. "I trust there will be no further interruptions." Ratigan cleared his throat and wraps his arms around his men. "And now, as you were singing?" His men weren't so confident on singing. Ratigan pulled out the bell and they started to sing again.

Even louder, we'll shout it

No one can doubt what we know you can do

Your more evil than even you

Oh Ratigan, oh Ratigan

Your one of a kind

To Ratigan, to Ratigan

The world's greatest criminal mind!!

I originally wasn't gonna have this chapter... but it's Ratigan. I couldn't help it.

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