Meeting Toby

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We followed Basil to a secret opening. Basil opens a little round door while Olivia opens it even further. Basil looks at Olivia in annoyance. "Not a word out of you. Is that clear?" I shush him as two large figures was heading in our direction. Basil moves the door, leaving a small crack open. We hear two men talking.

"I observe that there's a good deal of German music on the program. It is introspective, and I want to introspect."

"But Holmes, that music is frightfully dull."

"Come along."

The two men leave. Basil opens the door completely and we walk around to look for 'Toby'. "Toby? Toby?" Olivia rugs on my dress. I kneel down to her level. "Who is Toby?" She whispers. "Um..." I honestly didn't know who Toby was. I turn to Basil. "B-Basil. W-who is T-Toby?" There was loud footsteps approaching us until it stopped. "Ahh! Here he is now!" A giant basset hound puppy was standing in front of us. He looked happy to see Basil. Basil pushes me to Toby. "Shyla... Toby." Toby kneels down and starts sniffing me. I stood still until Toby licked me. I giggled since it kinda tickled.

Basil then pushed Dawson to Toby. I stepped back a bit. "Dawson... Toby." Toby was sniffing him as well as Dawson tipped his hat and petted Toby's nose. "Charmed. I'm sure." Dawson said. Toby then started to growl at him. Basil pushes him back as Dawson ran for cover. "Now Toby! Toby, stop that! Toby, cease! Desist! Ha!" Toby obeys Basil's command. Meanwhile, Dawson was trembling behind a leg chair. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Frightfully sorry, old man. Toby has the most splendid sense of smell of any hound I've trained. But he can be deucedly frisky." Basil apologized. I walked up to him. "Y-you trained h-him? T-that's I-impressive." I complimented. "Thank you for the compliment, Shyla." I saw some pink on him but it went away.

Toby has already met Olivia and he has taken quite a liking to her. Olivia was already scratching Toby's belly. "Here now, Toby? Toby! To the matter at hand. I want you to-" Basil saw that Toby was distracted. Basil whistled to get his attention. Toby rolled his head back to see Basil, tapping his foot and clearing his impatiently. Olivia slides off his belly and falls onto my arms. Toby rolls into his feet and faces Basil. "Good, now Toby! Toby... I want you to find... this fiend!" He pulled out the hat from earlier. Toby starts to growl. Basil started to growl with him as well. I couldn't help but giggle. "Yes, you know this type. A villain. A scoundrel! Low brow. Close set eyes. Broken wing." Toby stops growling looks at Basil, confused. "Oh, he's a peg-legged bat with a broken wing." Basil said. And then they went back to growling. (I swear this part always makes me laugh). "Yes! Yes! That's the spirit! Got his scent?" Toby nods excitedly. "Good boy, good boy!" Basil said while picking up a leash that was next to him. Basil looks over to see that Toby was looking at me and Olivia. Basil steps in front of Toby. "Miss Flamchester..."
"Flaversham!" Olivia and Dawson corrected him. "Whatever." Basil says. He hooks the leash onto Toby's collar. "Your father is as good as found. Toby..." Toby strikes a 'pointer' pose. "Sic 'em!" Toby rushes out, accidentally stepping on Basil. Before I could check he was alright he managed to hold on to the leash and grab my while Toby runs out the door. "Ah-ha! Yoicks! Tally ho! Ha-ha! Ha-ha!" I was laughing as well. I was enjoying myself while be scared at the same time. I saw Dawson and Olivia chasing after us. I still continue to laugh and my face started to heat up again since Basil grabbed my hand.

I can't wait until the next chapter!

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