Basil of Baker Street part 1

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Olivia, Dawson, and I arrived at 221 1/2 Baker Street. Dawson knocked on the door and a housemaid answered it. "Good evening, madam. Is this the residence of Basil of Baker Street?" It took me awhile to notice that she has a bunch of things in her arms."I'm afraid it is. He's not here at the moment, but your welcome to come in and wait." She said. "Oh, w-we don't want to I-impose. I-it's just that... the girl." I said while pointing to my left only to realize that Olivia wasn't there next to me. I look inside the house to find Olivia sitting in a red chair next to the fire place examining a magnifying glass. She thrusts her load into Dawson's arms and rushes over to Olivia. "Oh my! You poor dear! You must be chilled to the bone!" She takes off Olivia's hat and wrings it dry then took off Olivia's scarf. "Oh, but I know just the thing. Let me fetch you a pot of tea and some of my fresh cheese crumpets." She rushes to the kitchen and shuts the door.

"H-here. L-let me." I said to Dawson, gesturing to the stuff in his arms. He nods and hands it to me. I put the pillows in my left arm, held the teacup, and balanced the books on my head. I walked over to a table and set them down nicely. I looked around the room. There were a bunch of different mechanisms working. I saw a violin next to the red chair Olivia was sitting in. I couldn't help my self. I picked up the violin and started playing. I then heard a voice coming from the front door, causing me to put the violin down faster than you can count.

"Ah-ha! The villain's slipped this time! I shall have him." I looked to see a large mouse in Chinese robes holding a gun. Dawson looked terrified while backed away, keeping a safe distance between myself and this man. "Out of my way! Out of my way!" He says while running past Dawson and throwing his hat off. "I say-" He was about to speak until the hat landed on his head. He takes off the hat and asks, "Who are you?" The mouse stops on his tracks and turns to Dawson. "What? Oh!" He pulls on his head to show it was a mask!? And reveal a different mouse. "Basil of Baker Street, my good fellow." Basil smiles while Dawson looks confused while I look surprised. Basil tugs on his robe and air deflated revealing his slender body. Dawson looks surprised while I look in surprise and impressed. Olivia got off the chair and rushed over to Basil. "Mr. Basil! I need your help, and I-" Olivia tried to say but Basil interrupted her. "All in good time." He says while putting on his house robe that was hanging from a dart and throwing the dart over his shoulder, hitting a bullseye. Olivia tried again to speak to him. "But-but you don't understand. I'm in terrible trouble." Basil walks by her, clearly ignoring her. "If you'll excuse me." Olivia was about to speak again but sighs in defeat. The nerve of him! Dawson was thinking the same thing and went to talk to him.

"Now see here!" Basil runs past him to a table and it took Dawson a few seconds to continue talking. "This young lady is in need of assistance. I think you ought..." He was interrupted when Basil said, "Will you hold this, please, Doctor?" Dawson excepts it... which was a pistol! I hold Olivia's shoulders protectively and back away. "Of course." Dawson's eyes were closed, meaning he didn't know he was holding a pistol that was pointing to his head. When he opens his eyes he sees that it's pointing to his head. He holds the gun nervously at arms length until Basil retrieves it. Dawson seemed to realize something. "Ah, wait a moment. How did you know I was a doctor?" He asked. "Yeah, How did you...?" I asked quietly. He put a bullet in the pistol all while answering. "A surgeon, to be exact. Just returned from military duty in Afghanistan. Am I correct?" I was impressed. He knew that without hesitation. "Why... oh yes. Major David Q. Dawson. But how could you possibly-?" Basil didn't let him finish as he went on to explaining. "Quite simple, really. You've sewn your torn cuff together with a lembert stitch, which of course, only a surgeon uses." He continues as he goes around collecting pillows. "And the thread is a unique form of catgut distinguished by its..." He leans over to me and Olivia and whispers, "... peculiar pungency...", and then talked normally. "... found only in the Afghan provinces." I was beyond impressed at this point. One by one he tosses three pillows at Dawson, who holds it against his body and covering most of his face. "Amazing!" He muffled. Basil spins the the revolver. "Actually, it's... elementary, my dear Dawson." He aims the pistol at the pillows Dawson was holding. Dawson frantically looks around and throws the pillows on the red chair. Basil calmly readjusts his aim. Dawson and I jump behind the opposite chair, seizing Olivia's arm. I flinched when the gun went off. And the bullet landed right next to me. Feathers were falling like snowflakes while Basil blows on the pistol.

The housemaid comes out of the kitchen to see what the commotion was about. Panic was completely written all over her face. "What in heavens name!? Oh! Oh! My..." She spits out some feathers. "My good pillows!" She said sadly then flares at Basil, who is looking for the bullet. "Mr. Basil!" Basil peeks his head above the chair. "How many times have I told you not to..." Basil interrupts her. What is it with this guy and interrupting people. "There, there, Mrs. Judson. It's quite alright." He sniffs the air. "Mmm! I believe I smell some of those delightful cheese crumpets of yours. Why don't you fetch our guests some?" He gently pushes her to the kitchen. "But, ah, but, but..." She tried to protest but it was too late. Basil shut the door to the kitchen. "Now..." He gets on his hands and knees. "I know that bullets here somewhere." I picked up the bullet and and went to him. I held up the bullet in front of him, avoiding eye contact. "U-um... here." I said. He gently took it from my hand. "Thank you, miss..."
"Storey. Shyla Storey." He smiles at me. "Thank you, ms. Storey." I felt my face heat up. I don't know why. "Y-your w-welcome."

I'm going to leave it here. Sorry. I'm also sorry if the paragraphs seem more clustered. See you later!

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