The Toy Shop part 2

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I saw that Fidget has grabbed her and threw her in his bag and tied her up. Basil rushes ahead while me and Dawson followed close behind. "Quickly, you two!" He urged us. He was gaining speed until he changed directions and was running the opposite way. "Ah, ya, ha! Look out!" A giant Ferris wheel was rolling towards us. We ran away from t and jumped out of the way just in time before it could crush us. We looked up to see a large doll falling right over us. We ran but we weren't going anywhere. We were on top of a Around the World path toy. We were only moving the paper path instead of ourselves! At the last second, the path ended and we jumped out of the way just as the doll came crashing down.

We continue to chase after Fidget. We stopped when a toy jouster coming at us at full speed. Me and Basil were able to dodge it by jumping to a hanging trumpet but Dawson wasn't so lucky. The jousting spear caught Dawson by the jacket and was hurled to a dart board, being pinned to it. Basil looks behind him and his head was crushed between the cymbals of the band from earlier! He dizzily stumbles over to a pile of marbles and trips over them, causing them to scatter in different directions. I managed to dodge all of the marbles that were close to hitting me, but Dawson got hit in the head by a marble. I looked at Fidget angrily while helping Basil up as he laughs. He makes his way to the window. Boy, is he in for a surprise. "Bye-bye." He opens the window only for Toby to be on the other side. Toby growls and would've ate him if Fidget didn't close the window in time. He climbed up the cash register and on to the shelves. Basil had already gained consciousness and we were chasing after him once more. We get on spring horses to jump from shelf to shelf. "Stop, you fiend!" Basil yelled. We fell off our horses once we got to the top shelf. Basil was the first to get up but I took two seconds longer. We climbed up a huge pyramid of toys with Basil having a huge lead. Fidget made it to the top unfortunately and leaps, grabbing on to the ledge of an open sky roof. Basil leaped to true to grab him but came up short. Because of his leap, the whole pyramid was coming down, taking me and Basil down with it. I tucked myself into a ball and braced myself for impact.


Darkness. With little specks of light. That's all I saw. I wasn't unconscious, just under a pile of toys. It did kinda hurt but no injuries, thankfully. I then heard my name being called in the distance. "Shyla!? Shyla!" I push against the pile of toys on top of me. I pushed them off me until I could stand and get out. I sighed in exhaustion and dusted myself. "Shyla!" Basil came rushing to me with a worried expression. "Shyla! Are you alright?" I nodded. He took a sigh of relief. Dawson soon showed up. "Basil! Shyla! Olivia... she's..." Dawson didn't finish his sentence.

"Yes! She's gone, Dawson! Confound it! I told you to watch over the girl! Now she's been spirited away by that maniacal little monster! Soon to be in the clutches of the most depraved mind in all of London! I should have known better than to-"

"B-Basil, stop!" I shouted. "Don't blame this on D-Dawson! She was m-my responsibility! I-I said I would w-watch over her like a s-sister! I-I should be the one to b-blame!" I lowered my head. "I-I should be the o-one you s-shout at." I was close to tearing up.

"Don't worry. It's not... entirely hopeless." Basil says apologetically. I didn't say anything and lowered my head a little more. A hand grabbed mine and lifted my head up. I was looking right into Basil's eyes. "We'll get her back." He says with a reassuring smile. My stomach felt like I was on a fast Ferris wheel. (Fast Ferris wheels do exist, you know. I know because I've been on one). "Do-do you think t-there's a c-chance?" I asked. "There's always a chance, Shyla." He strikes a match on a nose of a doll and lights up his pipe. "As long as one can think." He begins to pace around the room, smoking his pipe.

While Basil was pacing around, I kept thinking about Olivia. The poor girl... I couldn't help but blame myself for what happened to her. "Get the following: tools, gears..." I hear Dawson say. I gasped as I remembered that Dawson found the list. I look over at the list as Dawson continues to read it. "Girl... uni..." I called Basil. "B-Basil! This is e-exactly what we n-need!" He comes over and snatched the list from Dawson. He reads over it and becomes overjoyed by the piece of evidence. "Dawson, you've done it! This list is precisely what we need." Dawson looks at him confused. "What?" Basil puts on his deerstalker hat as he rushes to the window. "Quickly, back to Baker Street!"

I'm sorry if I took so long on this book. Especially on The Toy Store part 1. I've been busy with school, especially with To Kill a Mockingbird and a book from my school's book club that I have to read and review. It's been really busy lately. Anyway, thank you for your patience. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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